Sorceress Gone Rogue

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  Ted, the 24-years-old wizard, has already told Jack and Annie what their last mission would be - Morgan le Fay, the Duchess and sorceress of Camelot, has gone rogue and Camelot is going to ruins. As a result, King Arthur has gone sane and is helping his sister in destroying their land and enslaving the poor in order to use them to dominate over other other nations.

Annie was shocked and Jack was tempered. The 25-year-old selkie, Kathleen, gave Jack a hug with her face resting on Jack's chest. Jack quickly cooled down and the four began to sit down and plan on their mission.

  An hour or so later, the group decided that Jack and Kathleen would take on King Arthur and Annie and Ted would take on Morgan le Fay.

  Jack took the Camelot book from the corner of the tree house and wished to go there; and instead of the familiar spinning, a deafening explosion occurred, and the group fell into the ground in Camelot with the tree house in fire.

The group took a look around and Camelot was dark. Dead trees filled the gloomy area and there were tens, if not hundreds, of fresh human carcasses surrounding the four. Jack glanced at the castle, and it was covered in moss and the exterior borders of the windows were red with blood. Right when he thought it was creepy enough, he heard a heart dropping scream.

"Oh boy," Jack whispered.

"Come on Jack, we have no choice," Kathleen came next to him, holding his arm.

"I don't think we're ready," Jack said boldly.

"I'm sorry, but what?" Ted asked.

"We have to train and take the necessary weaponry first. The death count, it's approximately 500. We go now, and it'll be 504. We aren't on their level, we can't outrun them, we can't outsmart them, nor are we stronger than them. Even with our plan, we're not still in a disadvantage. Does anyone disagree?" Jack stated

Everyone shook their heads so Jack calmly, "Good, then we start training tonight and continue for 3 days. The rate of the increase death count is clearly decreasing, meaning that only 50-60 more people would die at maximum. It would still be better than risking millions of more citizens."

Everyone agreed, so they returned to Ted's house and they started training. Ted and Annie starting training on their agility, stamina, and magic while Jack and Kathleen started training on their strength, durability, bows, and swords.

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