reason two

413 28 5

8 June 2017.

"Kochanie, let's go on a date today."

Rosie removed the duvet from her face and furrowed her eyebrows like what he had just said was the most foreign thing ever. A date?

This man, standing in front of her wearing a white button down, black jeans and white sneakers wants to go on a date?

"What the fuck?" she said.

"A date, Rosie. I want to go on a date today." Lukasz looked down at her in bed, curled up around the pillow while the black duvet was piled near her feet. Was she always like this?

Rosie gave a minute before turning over in bed. "You can do that with your friends, just not me."

"No, we're going on that date today." Lukasz walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, sadly looking at his girlfriend. "So I would appreciate it if you got dressed."

"What if I don't want to go on the date?"

He gave her one of those puppy faces and pouted. "I'd like it if you went on the date with me."

"Still don't want to go."

"I'm not going to leave until you do."

Easy task. Rosie could just stay in bed and not do anything.

But then she remembered the time Lukasz practically aggravated her because she refused to go with him to meet the team. He laid next to her on the bed and wrapped his arms around her, poked her, said her name about a million times until she said yes (it was actually really fun, she's glad that he forced her to go meet them).

And Rosie knew Lukasz had other tactics in order for her to agree to the date. Including him constantly tapping her shoulder and bum for about ten minutes straight until she finally agreed to get ice cream with him near eleven o'clock at night. Or like that other time where he jumped on the bed and practically threw her off the fucking mattress because they needed a quick fly-in to Poland for family matters. Or when he wanted to spend their first Christmas together, but he was in Poland, so he sent her plane tickets for her come over.

The man got whatever he wanted. And if he wanted a fucking date with Rosie, a date he was going to get.

She waited for a minute before turning over and rolling her eyes. "Fine. Move, so I can get ready."


"When was the last time we went on a date together?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Couple months ago."

They went out to the city, driving from their home and walking out around the streets. It was like their first date together, only that their first date was in Berlin when Lukasz still played for Hertha.

Rosie seemed to have the lost the feeling of being on a date. The last time they went was a couple months ago, and she doesn't even remember what they did. Stay-at-home date? Dinner at a restaurant? Whatever it was, she remembered that they left hours before the clock hit ten because they were too busy arguing about something that didn't even matter now.

And that's what seemed to be the situation now, or what looked to be.

She and Lukasz walked side-by-side through the city of Dortmund, passing the numerous people and shops, the attractions and the cars. It was already eight o'clock, the sun had started to set, and they would have been here earlier if Rosie didn't take so long to get ready.

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