A moment of piece.....maybe

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"Ugghhh what a daze these couple of weeks have been, haven't been this tired. " just getting into my room after just getting home from work.

Yes i work......just rude😑. (Its a coo job tho)

But now that ma and sd (stepdad) so badly wanted bum to get a job, and of course the bum  just had to pick mines just to fuck with me some more. I tell you.

So im getting dressed for work gotta do a 10hour shift today just great. I work at legoland. trust me its fun most of the time mostly when idiot off.

I walk in an get clocked in and everything i see my manager paul

"Hey paul ,so are you the manager for the night ?"

"Hey ava but no im not its actually brenda tonight!"  "Sorry!!!"

"ugh lord ok so who all work tonight?"

"wellllll , its you ,brenda, ashley, andddd tae!!!"

"but why thoo paul you promise to not have us work on the same days anymore" im so annoyed right now

"mark called in and tae said he could"

"Of couse he did" can i ever get sometime away from his irra ass and i have to deal with brenda ol thot ass lordtttt help me today

"Be nice the night will be over before you know it,   oh an um there's a birthday party for a 8year old tonight , bye" run out of the building

Im gone get him its gonna be a hell of a night, i might lose my brain with all im about to deal with " a thot ,a whore , a group of little demons great at least i have ashley.


So the party started at 2 an its about 6:30 now who lets a kids party go on for so long , like why. The only good thing they came from the party was the cutie i shouldnt be looking at since im not a single woman but hey i can look every once in a while. Oh an should i mention that only me and ashley have been working while brenda an tae be flirting the whole day an him flirting with some of the mothers like damn nigga chill ya pants or something

"Im so tired we haven't even been able to take our breaks "ashley said

"i know an i feel we wont be until this party is over" i said leaning on the counter

"Im about to go to the restroom ok" ashley said

"Ok girl get a little break in while you can"

So im leaning on the counter watching the kids play.

"you really shouldn't bend over with all that cake might fuck someone head up , like mines"

"Ew nigga move you and yo hot breathe out my face , you need to go back to fucking with brenda!"

"Just did lol" "what you want to be next"

"Bro you so fucking nasty this is a place for kids not for you to make em" he just fucks anything boah

"Trust i dont make kids" after that brenda walks from the back fixing her skirt

"Hey what yall talking about" touching on tae back while smiling at me (ew)

"Oh nothing just about how much respect you have for yourself nothing major" i said with a clueless smile

"And what do you mean by that , are you saying i dont have self respect"

"I said no such thing, you did tho is that what your thinking"still looking clueless while out the corner of my eye i see tae with a smirk on his face lile something is entertaining him.

"Tae you gonna let her talk to me like that" she said with a puppy face scratch that,with that grown ass pitbull face hahah im a dork

"Stop being crazy bae she didnt say nothing wrong you trippin"putting his arm around her

"What ever well you have cleaning to do so get to it" while mugging the shit out of me "yes sir ma'am " and looked at tae "and you can you help me in the office again i cant seem to get the printer to work " pushing all on him its sad looking mind you brenda is a small little white girl.

"yeah give me a minute ill be back there " and she looked at me one more time then walked to the back

"you know i see the jealousy in your eyes av" he says as he crosses his arms leaning on the counter

"jealous of what her not doing work and getting paid more  hell yeah im  jealous" like duh this nigga stupid

"naw im talking about of brenda getting this "d"  lord i had a feeling why that stupid smirk was on his face

"An why would i be jealous of her getting that nasty thang"

"Because you got feeling for me you not tryna own up to for what reason i got a few just dont which is the main one why"

"Dude i literally have no feeling for you accept irritation"

"Ok what ever you say im waiting just let me know and ill stop fucking around with these thot" with a half serious tone to his voice this boy bat shit crazy lol

"What ever you say tae im coo i got my bae and thats all i need"

"Well that "Bae" is not doing his job if he aint hitting that shit every night if he was you would probably have a better mood, i know if i had that chance you wouldn't  make it to work, let alone out of bed" an with that bull shit he left to the back

"what was that about " i didnt even see ashley walk up i guess i was stuck on what idiot said

"Nothing , can i ask you a question ash?"

"Yeah girl what"

"Do you think its bad that me an my dude haven't had sex and we been together for some months so to speak"

"um it depends has he tried"

"Yeah but i dont think im ready or i just dont be turned on"

"hmmmm let me see him"

So i show her bae "Gurrrrrllll is you crazy i would've been road that boy to mars " "be quite there are kids here crazy"

"My bad but foreal tho if you aint turned on by that piece of chocolate your mind or heart my be somewhere or with someone else?"

"No that cant be it" naw that can't be it

"You sure"

"Yeah" "while maybe you just scared "

"Yeah maybe that's it"

"well we it do happen you better tell me errthing"

Lol" i will"

Now we closing the store up i finally can go you the restroom

I go into the stall an im handling my business an i hear feet then moaning then a slap ........oh hell naw i cant get a fucking moment of piece.


"Hello is someone in here were closed"


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