One Summer Night 🌙

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The summer nights had grown fiercely hot, forcing most people to sleep outside or in tents, away from the stuffy metal rooms in the grounded Ark Station. Camp had become a buzz of late nights in front of the bonfire, passing around moonshine and stories of the ground. The alliance had kept them alive and thriving for months now.

Bellamy had his face down on their pillows, their threadbare sheet bunched up near his feet in attempts to cool down. His bare skin glistened with a sheen layer of perspiration as warm rays of sun danced through the flaps of their tent.

Clarke moaned slightly, joints popping as she stretched out on the pallet, body still heavy with sleep and the thick air that hung around them. She shifted her body so that she could see Bellamy, his bare skin kissed with a new glow from hours in the sun. His lines had hardened, muscles pulling taut as he tensed up in a sleep-ridden stretch.

They never slept in much clothing, the humidity never allowed for it, and last night was no exception. Bellamy had only his underwear on, and Clarke slept in her panties and a flimsy tank top.

She reached her fingers out to brush against the scars on his back, ghosting over them over so gently, feeling him shiver at her touch. Clarke scooted closer to him, her chest pressing against his side as she leaned in to press a kiss to his shoulder.

Bellamy let out a soft grunt into the pillow, and Clarke slipped one of her legs over his leg, grinding her heat lazily against it.

"Clarke," Bellamy's voice was husky, his breathing still slow and heavy.

Clarke was laying kisses up his bicep and onto his shoulder blade, her body shifting to hover over him, her legs still straddling his one. She adjusted herself, picking up her leg and throwing it over his hip so that she was tucked in on either side. She peppered kisses down his spine and traced her fingers down his side.

Bellamy picked his head up, his messy curls sticking out every which way and he pushed up onto his forearms, throwing a look over his shoulder.

Clarke caught her lip between her teeth with a mischievous grin before leaning over his shoulder to kiss his jaw. Bellamy took this opportunity to roll underneath her, so he could see her. He gripped at her hips as she settled back down onto him, her blonde curls cascading over her shoulders and capturing the dusty light.

"I'm awake, I'm awake," he surrendered, but Clarke just smiled and pressed her body against his, her hands settled on either side of his head and she captured his mouth in a slow, lazy kiss.

Bellamy's hands trailed up underneath her shirt, calloused thumbs brushing just below her breast as she arched slightly into his touch.

Clarke tugged on his bottom lip and Bellamy moaned. Returning his grip to her hips, he rolled her onto her back as she instinctively wrapped her legs around him and snaked a hand around the back of his neck and pulled his mouth back down onto hers.

Her hips rocked slowly against his growing arousal as their mouths moved, exploring each other, savoring the taste. Bellamy pushed her shirt up, palming at her breast and Clarke broke away for a moment to pull it over her head and toss it away.

They're bodies moved in a haze, allowing their hands to linger and their breaths to mix. Bellamy was working on her neck, and she hummed against him, her hand snaking down between them into her own panties.

A pleasant throbbing ached at her touch, and she felt the warmth pooling between her legs. Brushing against her clit, a jolt of pleasure burst through her and she moaned loudly. Bellamy's mouth moved to her breast, swirling his tongue around the hardened nipped and licking around the pebbled areola.

Clarke began to thrust upward into Bellamy, trying to create a friction. Her hand found the waistband of his underwear and slipped below, fingers wrapping around the head of his cock.

A guttural noise escaped the back of Bellamy's throat and they paused, shredding themselves of their undergarments and he teased his thick member over her entrance. Clarke grabbed his ass and pulled him closer, the tip brushing against her clit.

Bellamy bent down and kissed her again slowly before sinking into her. Clarke's breath hitched at each inch she took in, her head falling back away from his as he filled her to the hilt of his shaft.

With each thrust, her panting quickened.

"Oh, Bellamy, oh go-OD BELLAMY," her voice trembling as he grabbed behind her thigh and threw it up onto his shoulder, she circled her hips as he hit her bundle of nerves with each driving motion.

They were very aware of how thin the tent walls were, and they were very aware that there were people in close proximity but god, they did not even fucking care.

Bellamy's forehead was pressed into the dip of her shoulder as she tangled her fingers in his hair. His hips ground down, neither one of them holding back their panting and moaning.

With a frantic thrust, Bellamy felt her tighten around him with a breathy oh god!, walls fluttering as a wave of pleasure shot through her and she writhed beneath him as his hips slow their pace.

He continued to rock until her eyes opened again, pupils blown wide in ecstasy and then Bellamy returned to setting a delicious pace. Clarke touched her breasts as Bellamy leaned back to offer a new position, drinking in the sight of his princess caressing herself.

The slick, slapping of their skin was drowned by their ragged breathing and chanting-like cadences, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke.

Bellamy's thrusts became jerkier and he thrust into her a final time, releasing himself within her as she, too, chased a second climax and Bellamy collapsed on top of her.

He rolled off of her slowly, their naked bodies glistening with sweat and panting with pleasure. With half-lidded eyes, Clarke curled onto her side, looking at Bellamy fondly.

"Well, that was-"

"Hey!" a voice from outside the tent rang through, "Can you two keep it the fuck down, people are trying to sleep!"

Clarke burst into a fit of giggles as Bellamy wrapped his arms around her, and pulling her into a deep kiss. They didn't move from bed, waiting as their high faded into a comfortable sleep.

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