On Your Period -Ed Sheeran

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You open your eyes feeling the pain of cramps rush over. You flip onto your side looking for the warmth of your boyfriend, only to find the cold bed. You swing your legs off the bed dragging the duvet with you. "Ed?" You call out hoping for a response. Only for your yells to echo around the apartment you shared with Ed. As you drag your duvet over a night stand you feel stuff fall down to the ground. You crouch down to pick the things up, but your distracted by the folded paper that fell down. It was from Ed, the note read:

Darling, went out to get some stuff, be back soon Love you xxx

- Eddy (:

You smile to yourself, only for it to fade when the sudden sharp shooting pain rushes through your stomach. Your groan, moping yourself to the couch to watch a chick flick. You cuddle up in your blanket not able to get Ed, taking deep breaths trying to stop the discomfort in your abdomen. As you watch the movie your eyes lids become very heavy, just before you doze off Ed comes rushing in, with bags. He brushes his hair out the way & shuffles his way to you. "Hey babe, I got you some stuff." He places the bags down on the floor in front of the couch. He peels the bags, revealing the supplies inside, "I got you, erm, some 'lady products'" He rubs the back of his neck, "& some candy" you smile still a little drowsy "Thanks babe" you say lightly pecking his lips, he wraps his arm around you & kisses your forehead, "& guess what else I got you." you look up at him with a questionable look. "Huh" "A cuddle buddy" he hugs you tighter & kisses your forehead "So wheres that candy babe?" You grab your stomach feeling the pain, letting out a small whimper, he looks down at you "Baby are you okay?" you nod your head, lying knowing the pain was to much for you to handle. "Lets go lay down" He picks you up bridal style by surprise, he lays you on the bed & pulls the duvet over you, before cuddling in himself. "Baby does your tummy hurt." you nod my head, he places his hand on your stomach making you flinch, "Shh-shh it's okay baby" He rubs your stomach, soothing the cramps, you let out a sigh of relieve as he kisses your temple. "I love you" he whispers. "I love you too"


hey guys so i know i havent posted in no joke a million years (that was a joke.. you better have laughed (; ) anyway's I've been really busy. i switched programs at school and i have been working alot lately.

and my carrer as an artist is starting! my music has been noticed.

Also a HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL MY FANS! 50K reads. thats insane honestly i don't know what i would do without you all!

Always & Forever


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