iii: King Harry

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Peering upon this monstrosity they called a 'ball', Princess Emma of Cardonia stood in the corner of the spacious room, hoping that this night would finally finish so she could go back to her castle and sleep in her comfortable chambers. It was the King's 25th birthday today and of course he threw some extravagant masquerade ball to celebrate his ageing. And considering her Mother and Father (King and Queen of Cardonia) are well acquainted with the handsome King Harry and his gorgeous wife Queen Cordelia of Amun, Emma was forced to come here upon her own will.

She despised parties – more specifically masquerade balls. She couldn't comprehend why you'd want to wear a mask to hide your face all night. Wouldn't your face get even more sweaty with the mask and whilst you were dancing? Also, if you were going to find your 'true love' (or whatever other bullshit these people are fed), why would you hide your face from that person? Surely that person is supposed to love you on the inside as well as the outside? Whatever. Emma just didn't understand the whole point of them. That's why she had taken her mask off.

Gazing at the grandfather clock near her, it was 11 pm. Emma raised an eyebrow thinking about how her and her parents were going to get home in complete and utter darkness. Surely Robert (the chaperone) hasn't stayed up all night just to take Emma and her drunk parents back home? Poor Robert. Perhaps Emma should offer him to come inside and slide him some of this delicious food, sneakily obviously. He's probably hungry; especially after waiting monotonously for hours and hours for them.

A few more minutes had passed and Emma was becoming even more irritated. They should be leaving right now, if they want to get back home in time. Rolling her eyes, she graciously made her way over to her parents, who were casually chatting with King Harry and Queen Cordelia on the head table. Her Father was still munching here and there at the leftovers from the large meal. Emma hoped that Harry's servants were fed properly and not just the teeny tiny leftovers. Whenever Emma's Mother and Father were asleep, Emma would happily make the servants meals of their own. She had always done this for them to show her gratefulness and generosity towards their amazing hard work and effort. She had been doing this ever since she could bake and cook properly. Mother and Father never showed any thankfulness towards them: this infuriated Emma because without those servants, their royal asses would starve to death and they'd live in an uncleanliness place. Her Mother and Father were useless at basic things such as cooking and cleaning, which seems petty for royals like them, yet they get everything done for them. They never do it themselves. Lazy gits.

"Emma darling! Why aren't you dancing?" Emma's Mother pesters her as soon as she came to the table. Emma just sighs and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, feeling somewhat nervous with King Harry's stare.

"I was told Prince Philip of Bes wanted a dance with you tonight! How wonderful is that Emma?" her Mother tried to encourage Emma to dance with yet another Prince. She was tired of them, most of them were tedious and disinteresting. Emma wanted adventure and meaningful love: not this lovey-dovey lust and infatuation shit.

"He's a splendid young man indeed." Emma's Father chipped in, stuffing his face with grapes. Emma rolled her eyes at the pair. They keep coupling Emma up with strangers (most of whom she disliked due to their snooty personalities) because she was soon to be Queen. And the thought of being Queen terrified Emma; she was not ready for such responsibilities for the kingdom. She thinks she cannot handle such thing at her age (21) due to the fact that she has so much more to learn about the world surrounding her. Although, her parents are getting rather old and will have to step down from the throne eventually. But in order to be Queen, she needs a King, as apparently "Queens cannot rule on their own" as "women are weak". Emma thought that those sexist comments were pitiful and annoying – they hadn't seen her when she practiced jousting with Joseph (he is one of Emma's loyal servants and she classes him as a best friend). Emma was a spectacular woman and could honestly rule on her own without a man, she just couldn't see it due to her insecurities.

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