Juuzou and his Princess: Act 4

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You sat quietly in the corner of your cell,  trying to ignore the pain in your thighs as you move a string of red thread through your ripped dress.

Mama had taught you how to sew,  claiming that it was one of the most important skills that a lady could possess.

You had 40 slashes on each thigh- 80 good girl points in total.

Blood trickled out of your thumb when you stabbed it with the needle-Rei's screams could be heard clear as crystal from the next cell.  You bit your lip,  forcing yourself to ignore the sounds emanating from the other side of the dark stone wall. 

Rei had 90 points today. 

Mama decided you were nearly ready to receive the same amount if points as Rei.  You may have 10 less now,  but from tomorrow your mother was going to help you to stop feeling pain. You were greatful that she was doing it to help you,  but you couldn't help but fear what was going to come.

Every night,  Rei's ability to feel pain lessened,  but despite Mama's assurances that it was for the best, you couldn't stop worrying for him.
You try to ignore the knot in your stomach and shakily continue to weave the thread through your dress.


Your sewing equipment dropped onto the floor as a white haired figure stumbled into your cell.

"Rei! " you shouted,  running towards him as he collapsed onto the ground, his skin looking paler than ever.

His thighs were bleeding continuously and the blood refused to stop, comimg out in a continuous scarlet flow.

"It's okay,  [y/n]  I don't feel it. " he said, trying to muster a laugh that came out as a groan of pain.

"I don't care if you don't feel it, you're going to bleed to death! "

You stared,  horrified at the sight of your friend slowly losing his conscience as his blood seeped into the floor.

From the corner of your eye,  you saw a glimpse of bright red and instinctively,  you grabbed your needle and thread,  desperate to save the boy in front of you.

Quickly but carefully, you move the needle through his pale skin,  closing the gushing wound.  You weren't going to be separated from Rei today.

Death would have to wait.


(A/n)  I'm sorry for the short chapter- I just came back from summer camp.  The next chapters will be longer I promise.

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