3 Month Appointment

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*Monday morning*
Nurse: Good morning, do you have an appointment?
Brianna: Good morning, and yes. I have one with Doctor Maurine.
Nurse: Okay, she will call you back shortly, go ahead and have a seat in the waiting area.
Ashley: It's nobody in here.
Renee: That's how it be in the morning. People be wanting their appointments in the afternoon, close to the evening.
Brianna: That's a wonder.
Nurse: Hello, good morning.
Desmond: Good morning.
Brianna: Hey bae.
Desmond: Hey bae.
*Brianna and Desmond gave each other a hug and kiss*
Ashley: Hey Desmond.
Desmond: Hey Ashley.
Renee: Son-in-law!!
Desmond: Hey mom-in-law.
Doctor Maurine: Brianna, lets head on back to the first exam room.
Renee: How are you this morning?
Doctor Maurine: I'm well. How about yourself?
Renee: I'm good.
Doctor Maurine: That's good.
Brianna: I'm glad there are three chairs already in here.
Desmond: Either way it go, I still would've got all of us chairs.
Renee: You're such a gentlemen.
Desmond: Thanks mom-in-law.
Doctor Maurine: Okay Brianna, go on ahead and lift your shirt up and I'll but the clear gel on your stomach just like last time.
Brianna: Alrighty.
Doctor Maurine: Since the lights are already off, we can get started.
Desmond: Ready when you are.
Doctor Maurine: Alright. Let's find the baby.
Renee: It's probably hiding from us like last time.
Doctor Maurine: I found the baby. It's getting big. Here's it's medium sized head, legs, arms, ten fingers and toes.
Desmond: My baby.
Ashley: My niece or nephew.
Renee: My grand baby.
Ashley: I'll hit the lights.
Doctor Maurine: Thank you, I'll have the pictures printed out, and I'll wipe the gel of your stomach.
Renee: Ashley your awfully quiet. You okay?
Ashley: Momma Renee, I wish I was.
Renee: You want to talk about it?
Ashley: No, but thanks Momma Renee.
Renee: No problem.
Desmond: I can't wait until next month to find out.
Renee: Not so fast son-in-law. It's a surprise for you and Brianna. The ones that'll find out the sex is Ashley and I. And you both find out at your gender reveal party.
Brianna: Aww, not fair. How you find out that we're having a gender reveal party?
Renee: Ashley told me.
Brianna: Okay, I meant to tell you but I forgot.
Desmond: That sucks. Well, I'll just have to wait.
Doctor Maurine: Here are your ultrasound
Brianna: Thank you.
Doctor Maurine: You all have a nice day.
Renee: You to.
*Renee, Ashley, Brianna, and Desmond left out of the hospital*

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