Let's become friends with the enemy

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     "Mabel, don't get too steamed up. We can do this without him." Wendy put her hang on my shoulder.

     "We don't even know where to start." I through my hands in the air.

     "What if we become friends with Eric?" Candy suggested.

     "Candy, really? Stop trying to get close to him, he's evil, remember?" Wendy rolled her eyes.

     "No, I mean, become 'friends' with him." Candy made finger quotations and winked.

     "Candy! You genius! You've earned yourself a sticker!" I pulled out a 'Your a Star!' Shimmering Twinkle Heart sticker and stuck it on her face.

     "To the library!" Wendy shouted and hopped into my car, without using the door.

     We drove to the library, where Eric was probably reading a book and plotting evil plans by the fire place.

     "Okay, who's going to talk to Eric?" Pacifica whispered.

     "Well since Candy dreams about him—" I whispered.

     "Nope. Not anymore. You do it, Mabel." Candy interrupted me.

     "Yeah, he seemed to have an interest in you this morning when you talked to him." Wendy agreed with Candy.

     "Fine, don't expect any Mabel juice today." I threatened and walked away.

     I walked around, pretending like I was doing something for a couple minutes, making my way to the fire place. And there he was. Reading a book, like he was earlier, like nothing ever happened. Like it was this morning again.

     I took out a book and leaned up against the wall, pretending to browse it.

     "Hey, Mabel." Eric called me over.

     "Hi, Eric." I put on a fake smile and walked over to the other seat. I felt a chill down my spine when he spoke.

     "Two times in one day, huh?" He laughed and ran his fingers through his blue hair.

     "Yeah, it's crazy." I laughed. I looked in the corner and saw the girls observing us. Thankfully they didn't bale.

     "So, how are things?" He put on a nice smile. Believe me, he looked and acted completely normal, like we were just two friends chatting. But I knew beneath that nice smile, was an evil grin.

     "Just fine. I was just exploring the town, again, with my friends. What about you?" I leaned up against the chair's arm.

     "Good. I was just reading about the apocalypse, like earlier." He closed his book and set it down on the table next to him. "So, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later?"

     I looked at Wendy, Pacifica, and Candy. They nodded like they were saying 'This is our big chance!'

     "Sure, I'd love to." I smiled.

     "See you at five?" Eric got up.

     "Sure, but don't tell Dipper." I told him. "I told him I would never be friends with one if his friends, I don't want him to rub it in my face." I lied. I knew if he told Dipper, then Dipper would warn him and it would ruin the plan.

     "No problem, see you later." Eric waved and walked out.

     "Nice job, Mabel." Wendy patted me on the back.

      What did I just get myself into?


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