The Makeover

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“What?” I asked not believing him.

 “You are one special girl.” He exclaimed.

“Special? You mean mental?” I asked.

“Excuse me?” Luke asked smiling. 

“What?” I asked again.

“I am a ghost. A healer. A fighter.” He exclaimed.

“You thought that would sort of turn me on!” I asked grinning. 

“You wish honey.” Luke examined. 

“The full formation will be coming soon. I will contact your parents to let them know that you are alright. But you will have to hang out here for a couple of weeks for training, and  there will be sytafex though, that are uncontrollable.” The man said. 

“ Parent. My dad died a couple years ago. Also, I have been wondering ever since I met you, what shall I call you?” I asked.

“John,” he replied, and then walked away smiling. 

“What dose John mean by training?” I asked again.

“Well, you are a demon. Demons are somewhat known as bad. When you grow into your powers, you will sadly turn evil, if you don’t treat your sytafex correctly.” He said smartly. 

“What type of training?” I asked. 

“You’ll see in the morning.”He said hesitantly. 

I was then lead by look down a hall and into a huge room with hanging silk, with a golden bed, with the biggest closet filled with designer clothing. 

“You might want to change your clothing. We are going to a party tonight. The designers will take very good care of you.” He said smirking.

“Oh, and you have a tree branch in your hair.” He yelled. Before I could talk four women carried lip glosses, dresses and hair driers. They ran over to me plunging me into a chair. 

“Hold still Amrit.” One of the woman said.

“Actually, my name it Arm-” I couldn’t finish my sentence because a woman started to lather eye shadow on me. I decided to enjoy the make over, since this was my first and probably my last one. When they where done, I had long curly brown hair, slinky black heels and a mini dress. So mini that if I bent over my under ware would show. I waddled down the hall trying to find out which room Luke would be in. I settled in the lobby room sitting playing with the beads braided on my purse. Then I saw Luke, he was dress in kaki shorts aviator sunglasses and a white t-shirt with a black coat. It sounds cooky but he was kind of cute. We linked arms and walked out the door. 

“Look what these people have done to you! They took the bush out of your hair!” He said gleefully. 

I’m not even going to tell you how embarrassed I am to be around you, with your kaki and a leather coat.” I said. We walked silent and into a building as dark as a hundred foot hole. We walked to the door and Luke knocked a couple of times.  A man opened a door a tiny crack. He led us in and acted cheerful.

“Hey there Luke! Watcha got there? It’s about time you’ve got a girlfriend! And a pretty one too!” He yelled.

“We aren’t dating. We’re just friends.” We jinxed. 

“That’s too bad. Ya see, Luke here has to find a date for the annual fun fest ball!” He yelled again. We soon walked away from him. 

“Armis? Would you like to lead me in this next dance?” Luke asked. 

“Why certainly,”I whispered” We started to twirl and he lead me off my feet, dancing the crowd away making room for our selves. Then I saw it. It was him.

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