Chapter 4

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Chapter Four
Don't Scream

“There they are.”

Mikaela lowered her arm slowly from where she had pointed, and Sam and Alexis leaned forward to see where she meant. A smile spread across her face when Bumblebee’s headlights threw light upon three very familiar vehicles – a Hummer, an enormous semi and a monstrous GMC Topkick.

She exchanged a somewhat excited glance with her boyfriend as Bumblebee slammed on the brakes and brought them to a skidding, screaming stop on the bank, tearing up several feet of dusty grass as he did so. It hadn't been that long since they had seen the other three Autobots - only the day before yesterday, she reminded herself with a guilty grin - but she had missed them.

The sun had finally sunk beneath the horizon, and the stars were beginning to glow from above as the night set in. The lake looked calm and peaceful, and perfect for a night of camping with his friends.

However, Mikaela could not help but feel distinctly anxious about how the Autobots would react to their bringing Alexis. Neither of them really knew the girl, after all - whatever she might say about it, it was risky bringing a newcomer into their tight circle of friends. The Autobots were a secret of national security level, and God only knew what Optimus and the others would have to say about their misconduct.

Huh... they'll forgive us, she assured herself. Optimus just didn't have the willpower to be angry with people for too long.

Sam opened the door swiftly and jumped out, grabbing a handful of bags as he did so; Mikaela followed him, glancing back at the injured young woman in the passenger seat. "Need a hand there, Alexis?" she asked, eyeing the thick, plaster-cast bandaging around the other girl's slender shin.

"I'm okay," was the dogged response, though she made no attempt to move. “Is that the Hummer from last night?” she added in a low voice, pointing towards where the lights of the three vehicles were glowing in the darkness.

Sam mumbled something vaguely affirmative before dragging five of the bags from the car and onto the grass.

Mikaela reached for her backpack and the camping equipment, shooting Sam a look as she did so. “Sam,” she said quietly and he looked up. “I’m not mad at you, okay? I’m just… worried that she’ll say something, that’s all. I’m sorry I yelled at you.”

She really was sorry she had been so harsh; Sam had been a bit of an idiot, but she guessed that it was as much Ratchet's fault as it was his. The stubborn old medic would never admit it, but it had been their combined lack of ability to create a proper cover-up that had been responsible for the Alexis-shaped mess that they were currently in - blaming the whole thing on her hapless boyfriend was hardly fair, and she knew it.

“It’s okay,” he smiled, looking grateful for her apology. “I’m just worried about what Ironhide’s going to do to my butt when he finds out.”

She couldn't help but laugh as she lugged the tent bag from the trunk with some effort. “I think you can count on Ratchet throwing something at you, as well,” she warned him and he pulled a face. “C’mon, let’s just introduce her to ‘em and get this mess over and done with so we can enjoy ourselves. Leave the bags here for a sec... they’ll be fine.”

Alexis, in the meantime, had managed to get herself out of the Camaro and was now supporting herself on her crutches, looking pale. Mikaela chewed on her lip worriedly for a moment upon seeing it.

"Are you sure you're okay to stand?" she enquired, prompting Alexis to look up. "You look kinda rough."

Wow, Mikaela... nice, her mind commented and she immediately felt bad for being so blunt.

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