Chapter 5

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Chapter Five
Trick or Treat

Two weeks later, Ironhide was still feeling cantankerous.

“I am not doing this, Prime.”

Optimus put a hand to his head, trying very hard to maintain a grasp on his self-control. “Ironhide, I would do this myself if I was not already engaged,” he explained earnestly, looking seriously into the angry eyes of his comrade. “I have already explained why I need you to complete this task for me. I know that you feel it is somewhat… degrading, but really, you should not.”

Ironhide glared at the commander. “Degrading? It’s insulting. I am a Cybertronian Weapons Specialist - and a pretty good one, if I say so myself - and you want me to trail the girl whilst she gathers saccharine food articles whilst dressed as a supernatural being?”

“You will be with Ratchet and Bumblebee.”

“Oh, thank Primus!” he announced, flinging his arms into the air and rolling his optics. “I’m saved!”

Optimus did not share Ironhide’s feelings on the matter of Ratchet’s ‘treachery’ of the past fortnight. He, for one, was rather pleased that the Autobot medic was now enjoying his position as Mikaela’s guardian a little more, frequently offering her rides to school and keeping in constant contact with his charge to ensure her personal safety. It warmed his spark to see such peaceful co-operation between their races.

He sighed deeply, a rush of air escaping his vents. “Ironhide,” he said as patiently as he could manage, “I will think far more of you as a soldier if you overcome your pride and follow the order without force. Do you really want harm to come to the humans due to your obstinacy?”

“Yes,” was the stubborn reply. “I would like to clear the planet of their contemptible race.”

“Ironhide!” Optimus scolded, shocked by his words. That was the sort of thing that the Decepticons came out with! He knew that Ironhide didn't mean what he said, but still...

Ironhide turned his head away haughtily, his optics bright with annoyance. “I thought we agreed that I was not the girl’s guardian,” he reminded the leader darkly. “I expect you to remember that promise, Prime.”

“And I do not intend to break it,” the larger robot replied, folding his arms. “You are not Alexis’s guardian, Ironhide, and if you so desire, you never will be. I am asking a favour of you. We agreed that until we find a proper guardian for her, we would all work together to keep an eye on her. I know that Bumblebee usually watches all three of the youngsters, but tonight seems a potentially dangerous one, what will all these adolescents running around with such... hyperactivity.”

"Then they shouldn't go out."

Optimus raised his optic ridges. "We cannot keep the humans under house arrest for their safety, Ironhide," he pointed out, to which Ironhide grunted in response. "Besides, I fear with all this... unrest... that the Decepticons may use the opportunity to strike."

Ironhide was about to reply when they heard the blip of a siren and Ratchet pulled up, mounting the sidewalk with a grinding of his tyres. Optimus smiled, pleased that the medic had deemed to be involved in this human festival - it had taken him a while to convince him that it was necessary, but eventually it had been Mikaela who had persuaded him by repeatedly insisting that it would be 'fun'.

If Optimus was honest with himself, this 'Halloween' didn't sound particularly 'fun', but he supposed he should make some attempt to integrate themselves into human culture.

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