Chapter 1

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"So its that time of year again, huh?" Allen looked up to the blinding blue sky, void of any clouds that might shield him from its rays. He smirked and pulled down his sunglasses to cover his eyes and turned to the bike near him. "Its 'bout time I pay those bozos a visit anyways, they probably miss me." He grinned to himself, thinking of the other three that suffered like he does.

"Hopefully Franҫois actually comes this year" He added in, stepping onto the bike and rearing it up.

He was off to Lilac Run, to the forest that took his life from him. But he had gotten over that a while ago. Well, sometimes it still hurt. To see people around you age. To see them fall in love and grow old with those they cared about. To see them die and be buried in the earth.

He wondered what death felt like.

Was it like life? Was it like feeling the air enter your lungs and leave through your nose?

Or was it suffocating? Was it like feel water crawl down your throat and steal the life from you?

Whatever, not like he would ever get to feel it anyway. At least, he assumed he would never get too. It had been...? Well he was born in 1902... Its like... 2017? He's been alive for over 100 years, he knows. But it was sometime in the 20's that it happened.

He actually was only two days away from Lilac Run. He might be the first one there. That was unlikely, though. Oliver like to go there in advance and clean up the house they stayed in for the month or so they were together. He was always considerate like that. But Al needed his time away from him-- he was very needy. Around this time though he would start to miss that English bastard. He would never admit it, but he missed them all from time to time. Out of all the people in this world, they were the only ones he could ever sympathize with.




and himself.

They had all been cursed with immortality-- those guys even longer than him. Without them, he didn't know what he would do. Probably go crazy, carrying this fucking secret. But with other people suffering, well it didn't feel so bad. And he knew it was bad to feel that way, but he was sure they felt the same when he did this to himself.


"Oh, they boys will be here soon! Franҫois, won't you help me clean up all this dust?" Oliver frowned, hurriedly sweeping the floor inside the cabin. It was actually quite large, housing five rooms. Oliver recalls Matthieu sharing that be was out here building it... for his family... It was best not to think about it. But it have been renovated and repaired often.

"You seem to have it handled just fine." He didn't even look over to Oliver from his book. "You still have the entire day to finish, you know."

"But everything must be perfect! This is the only time of year we're all together." The two of them had only been together since last night, and yet they were bickering like an old married couple. They were closer, unsurprisingly. They are much older than Al and Matt, with Oliver being 25 and Franҫois being 27.

Allen was only 17 when it happened. Matt was just shy of being 20. Still, they were very close too, even if Matt would never admit it. And they all came from very different backgrounds. Matt had certainly been suffering the longest. Oliver behind him, with Franҫois being behind him. Allen was the most recent, but it all adds up when its been so long.

Oliver could claim he was happy, but he wasn't sure about the truth to that statement. Sure, he smiled and sure he giggled and was enthusiastic-- but this wasn't the life he planned for himself. Cooks aren't supposed to live forever like this; he wanted to live on in the recipes he left, not like this...

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