Chapter 4

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        You were in the kitchen with Oliver, placing warm cupcakes on a cooling rack as he readied some frosting. You hummed happily as he poured powered sugar into a bowl to mix with butter. He wondered, what trusting you would be like. How would you change the four of them, as a group or individually? He could already tell you had an effect on Matthieu, and Allen seemed to be warming up to you. And why not? You seemed like a sweet girl! You, you didn't deserve to suffer like them one bit. But they couldn't have you running off to tell people about their secret, now! That would be no good.

        "Oliver?" Your voice reached his ears, and he hummed in response. "Matthieu just told me there's a room for me to stay in, do you mind if I step out?"

        "Oh yes I have things handled here, dear. You go get settled." He flashed a smile before returning to the frosting, adding three drops of blue food coloring to it.

        "Thank you!" You left with Matthieu down the hall, to the third room on the left. You stopped before you opened the door and turned to Matthieu. "I don't mean to be rude, but your name, it isn't spelled the American way, isn't it?" You questioned. "Franҫois as well, are the two of you French?" Matthieu shook his head no.

        "Franҫois is, but I suppose I would be Canadian. Oh, and you can call me Mattie if you'd like. I'm sure Allen wouldn't be called Al, either." he mused. "I'm not quite sure about my birth, though I think I was born before Canada was officially a country." You gasped in return, regretting asking. So you instead, opened the door to your room in response.

        "Oh this is cute!" You smiled, walking into the room. You supposed it was the smallest, but it was furnished with a bed, desk and dresser. The colors were blue and white it seemed, with light wood to brighten the room up more.

        "I'm glad you think so. You'll have to stay here a bit, with us. I hope you understand." You nodded, sitting on the twin bed. Allen walked in then, looking the room over.

        "Yeah its cool having you and everything, but I gotta ask _____, what were you doing in that forest all by yourself? Doesn't your town produce rumors about this place?" he snorted at the thought, but waited to hear your story. Matthieu looked at well, at least mildly curious.

        "Oh, that..." You rolled your eyes, thinking about how your mother and grandmother were probably fretting over your disappearance... "Well, its very hot and stuffy at my house. I actually live in that one with the large fence right outside this forest." You added. "I slept in until noon, trying to escape said heat, and my mother rudely barged in and yelled at me to awaken. So I did, dressed, and ran directly into the forest." You chuckled. Matthieu simply stared wide eyed, while Allen was laughing.

        "Wow, well that would have been a stupid reason to become immortal." He added, grinning at you and plopping down on your bed to lay on it.

        "Yes, it would have. But I figured some worry would do her good. And the heat, with all my running, is probably what drove me to nearly drink that water." You added, sighing. "And while staying with you all with be very lovely, I didn't hope to make her worry this much." As soon as you said that, your stomach growled. Al let out a laughe behind you. "I meant to go and get food a while ago, but oh well." You smiled at your new acquaintances.

        "Let's check on Oliver and those cupcakes, then." Al jumped up and you nodded, following him and Mattie out. Once in the kitchen, you found  Oliver decorating the last of the cupcakes. "Hey, you mind if we steal a couple of these?" Al grinned from the other side of the open bar.

        "Alright, but only one for now. I'm going to prepare dinner soon and I don't need you three spoiling your meal." You nodded in understanding, but still grabbed two. You placed on next to Franҫois before plopping down in the living room with the two younger males. Franҫois sent you a look, but you just winked as you took a bite of your own.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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