Chapter 3

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 You looked between the two of them, finally getting a good look. The one who had first pulled your hair had fairly tan skin, and it was obvious enough that it was no summer tan. His hair was a burgundy red, and he dressed like he belonged in Grease or something. You couldn't see the color of his eyes due to the sunglasses he wore, but you got the feeling they were just as strange as the rest of him.

His companion on the other hand was pale, but had a soft tan due to time spent out in the sun. He looked more rugged, and a frown was etched on to his face. He looked like an old soul, but he was dresses in a red flannel and jeans that simply screamed "mountain man". He had eyes that matched the Lilac's you saw around you now, and his blonde hair was pulled into a low pony tail.

"...No offense, but I find it hard to believe that." You said, standing. "If this is your property though, I shouldn't have been so rude to try and drink from your spring." You had plans to simply turn tail and run, because now that you realized you were alone with these two, strange men you didn't feel safe. The sounds of the forest may have played on as if all was well, but you could feel adrenaline start to fill you from your top to tips.

They shared another look and frowned at one another. The tan boy shook his head and the blonde let out a sigh before speaking. "Listen uh, Miss... Now that we've told you, you have to come with us. It's nothing personal, but we can't let you go until we trust that you won't spread news about this spring." His words clung to your already scared heart, and your eyes darted every which way to look for any possible exit around you.

"Oh please don't make this difficult." The tan man rolled his eyes. "We don't have to hurt you, you know." His words only scarred you further, and you took a step back—into the spring.

His words before sprung to your mind, that this spring would make you immortal. At least then you wouldn't drown. Even if it was a lie, you clung to it. As a sort of dying comfort. But when a moment passed and you didn't feel the cool embrace of the spring, you opened your eyes that closed and found the blonde man had caught you, his eyes wide. Even his tan friend look terrified. You could see him breathing hard. You looked into the lilac eyes of your savior.

"How deep do you suppose that spring is?" Your words came out as a whisper and you saw him blink once. "Would I have drown in there? Or would I have become immortal by then?" You looked to him for an answer. After a drawn out pause, you spoke again. "I don't think I would have liked either way. Thank you for your interference... I suppose I could go with you two for a while, that is if I knew your names." In being saved, you found that perhaps they were okay men.

You were gently brought to your feet, away from the spring. The blondes hands lingered on your waist for a moment before his friend spoke. "Well, I'm Allen. That's Matthieu." He gave you a grin, which you returned with a small smile. Your adrenaline was already dying down, and you found yourself wondering what you feared before. These two-- Allen and Matthieu-- they meant you no harm.

"Thank you, Matthieu, for saving me. My name is _____" You offered him a smile as well, and you received one in return. "Well then, shall we?" You asked them. You weren't entirely sure what going with them would entail, but with Matthieu having saved your life you felt you should at least repay him in some way. And well, if that way was to gain your trust than so be it.

"Oh, wow, that got easy."Allen commented, hopping on to his horse. Matthieu did the same, and you found yourself wondering with who you should ride with on your way back. You actually had never ridden on a horse before.

"Well, come on." Matthieu offered his hand and you nodded, and took his hand. However, you found the particular image of him rather charming, and made sure to keep it close. Allen had similar thoughts, because he was snickering at your side.

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