Do You Know (Rants)

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I can't express my feelings well unless I write in first person... so I guess this is a story. Skip if you don't want to listen to the ravings of a mad person.


"Do you know... how it feels to be a ghost. To be invisable, to be alone. For people to walk right past you, right through you." She shouted at her friends, her eyes red, her throat seizing up, the tears not wanting to fall.

"Or to be a sound, just a sound, that everyone ignores. You know they can hear you like the begging of a poor man on the streets but you walk by, like their not even there? Do you know how that feels?" She asked, the whole class still as she began to cry, only focused on the small group of friends infront of her.

"Maybe just a shadow? You always know it's there, but your not always remembered! Following people around but they never say a word! Never saying a word to you, do you know how that feels!" Her voice raised, her hands shakeing, her eyes full of tears.

"I do, I know, I can see it every time I talk to you, every where I walk and it's made me try to hide and stay away and I can't tell you how much it hurts me to watch it happen to somebody else and I just couldn't take it any more!!" She shouted, falling onto her knees.

"I cant do it, not any more. So just leave me alone." And she stood up, realizing where she was. She walked to the teacher, asking to go to the office.

And she left.

Two days later she went to sleep and never woke back up and I cried all night.

No one ever treated me like a ghost, a sound, a shadow ever again. I graduated at the top of my class, prom queen. All because they saw how much the words hurt.

My best friend committed suicide and everyone really saw how bad it hurts.


My besty didn't kill herself, but I've been feeling some feelings recently and wanted to write them down and the only thing that I could think of if I died was that this would happen and people would see what really happens because if it got there I would have snapped and said every feeling I've ever felt.

Don't bully, don't ignore, don't forget. Love them all, make them feel wanted, just don't forget about the people out there that are alone and pretend to be okay.

Their not always okay.

Not mostly.

So don't ever forget them. Please, don't ever forget them.

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