Shine (DeanXReader)

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I know, I know. I'm a horrible person for not updating in forever (real updateing like stories) I apologize, sorry. Hope you enjoy another one of my signature Deano shorts.


   "Were gonna be late if you don't hurry up!" Dean shouted from his room, walking out with a tie wrapped around his neck. The only tie he owns, I might add.

   "I  have been ready for the past ten minutes ya goober." I laughed, sucker punching him as I ran down the hall. My fingers slipped around the corner as I spotted Sam in the kitchen. "Ah, and the Moose is ready as well." I grinned, turning on my heal to see Dean behind me gawking in surprise.

   "Ya... you..." he mumbled, pulling on his collar before continuing to tie the tie round his neck. I looked at him in his suit and tie, leather dress shoes poking their way from underneath his pant legs. I grinned, he always looked so dashing in a suit.

   "What? To much?" I questioned, giggling to myself as Dean swallowed the lump inside of his throat.

   "No, you've never worn a dress before..." he smiled slightly, looking down at the cuff of his jacket with pleasure as I stood stunned. I looked down on myself, the slightly close fitting blue dress barely hugged my waste as it spiraled down to my ankles, covering the gun strapped to my calf. I smirked, blinking slowly as I thought about it.

   "Ya, I guess I've just never had to." I chuckled slightly as Sam threw his arm over my shoulder playfully. The tips of my hair pulled behind me as he whispered something in my ear.

   "Shut it!" I snarled, shoving him off of me a little as he laughed like the mad man he was.

   "What! What did I say?" He asked while rolling around on the ground, practically crying from laughter. I kicked him a little with the point of my heals as Dean watched on in amusement.

   "You know what you did you little shit, now get up before were late! I growled as he stood up, whipping the tears off his own cheeks.

   "Fine, let's go." He groused, a grin still dancing on his lips. Dean walked up behind me, grabbing my arm playfully and linking it in his.

   "My lady, may I escort you?" He asked in a mock British accent.

   "Of course you can sir." I said just as snobbishly as he had. We strutted up the stair case together like a pair of idiots to the door. My left arm interlocked with Deans, the right hand running up the banister.

   "This is gonna be the best ghost hunt yet, not to mention the free fancy party food." I smiled, raising my eyebrow momentarily in a slightly flirtatious movement.

   "And you'll outshine them all." He blushed slightly, whipping his head back around to the old wooden door. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for." He whispered as my mouth hung open ever so slightly.


   "Not it's not." He cut me off before I could finish the statement. The blush had spread to his ears turning an angry red while seemingly sapping the color from my own skin.

   "Just forget it ever happened. I'll be in the car." He mumbled, a small tear streaking down his cheek. I tried to choke mine back as the door slammed behind him, the sound echoing in my ears, rattling my brain like the base of a guitar.

   "Dammit." I choked out, whipping the one victorious tear from my eye as I spun around, looking out over the bunker below. The whirring of the lights flickering in the call boxes and the slight flicker of the lights hanging in the war room.

   "DAMMIT!" a small crash sounded beneath me as I threw the locket that had been around my neck down the staircase. I could hear the shattering of the little crystal heart as it did the same to me.

   "No." The slight whisper fault it's way out of my lips as I realized what I had just done. The little reflective pieces sparsely scattered across the cement floor. My arms went limp at the sight as the little glowing pieces began to be the only things I could see. The image of the little picture inside seared in my brain. Dean Winchester, kissing me, the only thing I still had from before purgatory. Before my time in hell. Ever since then, nothing was the same.

   And I just watched it shatter into a million pieces.

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