Chapter 6~ Déjà Vu-

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"Mommy?" I asked, propping my elbows up on the table, pushing the crayons off to the side.

"Yes dear?" She asked, looking up from the book that was gripped in her hands.

"Where's daddy?" I asked, leaning forwards curiously, staring up at her with wide sad eyes.

She sighed, her long dark hair falling around her face messily, "I don't know sweetheart."

"I miss him." I mumbled, peering down at the drawing I had been working on.

He'd been gone for a few days now, but it seemed like centuries. He'd tucked me into bed with a kiss on my forehead, promising that he'd take me to the park the next day, but the next morning when I woke up, he wasn't home. And he wasn't home the next day or the day after that. When I'd asked mommy where he was, she told me that she didn't know, but that he would be home soon.

There was a sigh, and suddenly I was lifted off of the wooden chair, pulled onto my mother's lap, her arms wrapping around me tightly, "I know you do baby," She murmured, kissing the top of my head.

I settled onto her legs, burying my face into her neck, which smelled of vanilla, as her hand came up to run her fingers through my unruly curls.

"When's he gonna come home?" I asked her innocently, my voice slightly muffled.

"Soon darling," She promised.

It was then that I took a moment to look up at her, but not just to see her, but to really look at her. There were dark bags under her dull green eyes, the ones that were usually so full of light. Her hair was stringy and greasy, while it was normally silky and sweet smelling. Her face was pale and her forehead was crinkled in worry.

"What's wrong mommy?" I asked, gently touching her cheek with my small chubby hand.

A smile laced her lips, but it wasn't a real smile, I knew my mommy's real smile, and that wasn't it, "Nothing you need to worry about." She told me, "What did you draw?" She inquired, shifting me slightly so that you could peer over my shoulder at the drawing I left on the table.

I watched her reaction, frowning as her face fell slightly, but then slowly lit up, taking the piece of paper in her hand, I watched as her finger traced over the lines left by the bright crayons, her eyes memorizing it, "I love it." She murmured.

I smiled widely, bouncing on her lap in excitement, just as I was about to reply, the door flew open, banging against the wall loudly. I jumped in shock, a small squeak coming from my parted lips. My mom stood up quickly, setting me down on my feet.

I looked from her to my dad, who was now walking through the door angrily, his dark brown eyes narrowed, heavy bags under his own; his mouth was set into a scowl, his boots pounding across the floor, not bothering to take them off at the door like he always did. I couldn't help but notice that he was stumbling slightly, his eyes, though angry, were unfocused and disoriented.

"Daddy?" I asked quietly, slowly walking over to him, I tugged at the bottom of his shirt, trying to get his attention.

He turned to look down at me, his eyes softening slightly, "Go upstairs princess." He ordered me, prying my hand off of his shirt.

It was obvious that he was being serious and wanted me to leave the room, but he was my daddy, and he hadn't been home in days, "B-but daddy.." I whimpered, my eyes filling with tears.

There was a sigh, before he bent down in front of me, taking my hands in his own, "Come on angel, be a good girl for daddy okay? I'll be up there in a minute." He told me, peering into my eyes.

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