June 20th 2017

17 0 1

Hey guys! So today guess what happened? Nothing. XD on the bright side, school is almost over. Which is amazing because no one wants to talk to me at my school. Oh, actually something did happen today! I officially came out to my friends! With a slight problem. I kind of got nervous.. i um.. I said I was gay? Idk it was stupid. I'm actually bi, but I guess it won't hurt if they think I'm gay because I have a girlfriend and I prefer to date girls anyways.. so it shouldn't hurt.. right?

Anyways, last night I had a dream that a child molester killed my grandparents and I went to my grandparents house. For some reason I couldn't run, I felt really tired which happens a lot in dreams for some reason xD and then- get this,
I called my dad who lives at least 30 minutes away and then I called the police. Then being the stupid dream me I am, I told the guy that I called the cops and he attempted to murder me. It felt really real and I legit woke up terrified xD anyways enough about child molesters.

Sorry, this rant book sucks, I honestly don't know what to write about. I was thinking about making a song book. Where I write songs. I mean, I suck at writing songs but I think if I practice I could possibly get better. The only instrument I can play is the violin and I can't sing at all, so this is going to suck badly. Anyways, i gtg to dumb homework and I have to present three different power points at school tomorrow! *cries* anyways, byee!

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