much wow

16 1 1

This morning at 10 am or something my friend came to my house- oh wait I should start from the beginning..


during p.e class.. me and my friendZZZZZZZZZZZZ were singing random songs. (I think that was not relevant and was very cringey so UHYESTHJTYFDSA)

My friend gave me her mums phone number. I couldn't remember my mums phone number, so I just took the number and when I got home I asked mum for the phone and started tu text- wait I don't think I started to immediately text her.. before that I was high on drugs and went crazy around the house because it was summer.. oh well. 


She asked me if she wanted to come to her house to play tennis (actually it was yesterday that she asked me ;P) I said sure, asked my parents, they said yes... so I gave her my address because my mum doesn't wanna drive me and my dad works EHHHRMMM...


At 10 am my friend's car came and she was inside. Let's call my friend SG (iranoutofideasandthisonewasstupidpls) ... because 1st letters... uhh... nothing personal honestly... ermm... anyways.. so I went in the car and SG's mum drove me to her house. Once we got there, she gave me a tour.. BUT BEFORE THAT.. she tried finding the tennis rackets, she asked her sis and mum but no. They don't know where they are. 

SG: Looks like we aren't playing tennis.. maybe next time. Let's give you a tour and play something outside and downstairs, and also do other random stuff.

Me: okay.

I gtg soon but I'll tell u what we did (not in order):

Played outside (wooooaaahhh), made PBJ for lunch, tour house, wii, more wii, random stuff with stuffed animals, look at yearbook 2015-2016, look around the house, more tour, wii, stuffed animals, wii, snacks, more snacks, spinning chairs, more spinning chairs, had fun. 

BAIIIIII srry if this wasn't detailed and was rlly cringey (because ALL of the things I post here including myself are cringey)

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