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1.) I don't really have a favorite quote but here is a quote: "Si vis pacem para bellum." (If you want peace, prepare for war.)
2.) The last song I listened to was some nice musique classique. (But I don't listen to that eVeryDaY. It's just so relaxing.)
3.) My lock screen or wallpaper is:
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I have done nothing wrong. Nothing is wrong with this. It's not like I'm going to do that to every dollar you give me.
4.) I don't have a favorite animal but owls are very cute as well as pandas. Oh wait. I do have a favorite animal(s). Unicorns and dinosaurs. Much majestic. Dragons are majestic too.
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this is the first pic that shows up when you search up "Epic pictures."
6.) I suggest any one of those books in the Wattpad picks in the discover section or just the discover section itself.
7.) no words.
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8.) The heart pumps around 2000 gallons of blood per day. Each beat will pump around 60-90ml of blood. The blood enters the heart through the superior & inferior vena cava. The superior & inferior vena cava are large veins that bring oxygex-poor blood from the upper part of the body to the right atrium.
9.) I don't usually think about wishes. Hm. 1 w15h 1 c0uLd b3 4Cc3pt3d 1nt0 h0gW4rT5.
10.) Here goes nothing. I'll choose random people.