♡ lee daehwi ♡

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The large crowd of people were too busy admiring the overalls of the church and whilst the large bells continue to ring a sonorous hymn, she can't help but to admire the girl in the white dress, looking stunning as ever. Her dress perfectly hugged her curves, not too tight that it would look like a sushi if she wore it. No, the dress was made for her and only her. Her milky skin resting above her thin bones made her sparkle and stand out more.

The light sparkle of her beauty made her eyes hurt a bit but she needs to brush it off because, this wasn't the best time to do that. She felt utterly small, knowing the fact that the latter girl was wearing no make-up on her face yet she still looked stunning. Her hair wasn't even styled yet and it was flat but, how does she managed to stand out? She was truly beautiful.

"How have you been, Somi?" she asked, preventing the air of uncomfortable silence to surround them. Also, there was nothing to be uncomfortable about, right? They knew each other that long to be uncomfortable of each other's presences now.

Somi smiled, "I'm doing good, (your name)! I've been in a lot of misunderstandings with Daehwi but, I'm happy to be here!" her smile beamed throughout the room and it was blinding. Her brown irises screamed avidity while her lips spoke happiness.

She forced a small smile on her lips, full of rue and pain. "That's great to hear!" she managed to force a chuckle out of her, although, she wished that Somi would never notice that she was totally faking it. "Has Daehwi been treating you well lately?" she just wanted to slap herself. Of all the questions she had to ask, it was that one.

No, she doesn't want to know how he treats her lately because it's all sunshine and rainbows; everything was going smoothly for them these days because if it didn't they wouldn't get married and she felt utterly sad by that fact.

A wide beam was plastered upon her face as she bobbed her shoulders up, inhaling cold air. "He does!" she said enthusiastically, breaking her heart into pieced of shards. "He's the best! He never let me get sad and even of we both are busy, he always find time for us,"

The stinging feel on her eyes were a bit too painful and all she wanted to do was to blink but, now was not the time to do that. She released a chuckle, holding back all the tears her eyes badly cried out. "He better! I'm happy for the both of you!" she knew to herself that she was lying but, honestly the least thing that she wanted to happen was a misunderstanding with Somi.

Somi seemed to flinch at every single thing that she landed on her face, a sign that she was beyond excited. Of course, again, this was a very special day for girls, who wouldn't be excited? The longer she talked with Somi, the more she blamed herself for making herself a complete mess. If someone would ever think of it, it was her that was supposed to be there, wearing that pretty dress. If she just took a moment in her past, to just even tell him or maybe just give him a hint that the butterflies were present every time he talks or her heart stops whenever he smiles at him. 

If only she was a bit confident, like Somi. She was insecure of a lot of things and maybe that was why she only lowered her standards for, 'Daehwi deserves the best'. And he did. For her, he deserved every single, beautiful thing in the world and she believed that she wasn't one of those beautiful things that there was.

As she applied all the finishing touches on Somi's make up, she can just sigh to her stupid self. She wished Somi would disregard that she was actually feeling unwell that time.

"(your name)? Are you alright?" Somi raised an eyebrow as she sensed the heavy air she just let out, "Do you have anything bothering you?" the girl asks, voice thick with concern.

She smiled and put up a fake one, "Nah, I'm just a bit tired," thank the heavens Somi was convinced, if not she'd be able to tell lies again. And she thought all the lies she told Somi and Daehwi were already the cutting point of it.

He stood there, looking good as ever. He looked even better when he had that smile plastered on his face. She wished she was that reason why he was smiling like that. In fact, she wished her whole life; her mere existence was the reason why he smiles and was happy.

She wished. But not all wishes are granted, right?

"(your name)!" Daehwi waved from the staircase of the church before running up to her and flashing her that smile she loved seeing.

She prevented the tears that was threatening to fall anytime soon and faked a smile, waving back at her best friend. "Daehwi!" she wished he could have ignored the fact that her voice slightly trembled.

Daehwi shot her a skeptical look, "What's wrong? Your eyes look a bit puffy. Did you cry?" his voice was laced with concern, that she hoped she'll hear for the rest of her life.

She inhaled a sharp breath, suspending all of the negative thoughts as he was in front of her and it was not a good time to create a scene. Also, she can't afford to cry in front of Daehwi, and everyone else, and wake up the next day being that one girl who cries at her best friend's wedding.

She shook her head, sniffing to get rid of the clog inside her nose. "No, I'm fine Daehwi. You know me, I'm a sleep deprived person," she cracked a small chuckle and planted a seemingly skeptical smile, that her friend believed to be genuine.

"Yah! You need to rest! Do you want to kill yourself?!" Daehwi frowned and crossed his arms on his chest.

She gave him a weak smile, "You don't have to worry about me," she emits out a sad cackle.

The male's brows met together at the center, eyes getting filled with concern. "I have to! You're my friend!"

And it hits her harder than a brick, making her firmly built figure to crumble down into pieces of her. She can't take it anymore, she wanted to vent it out. These past weeks, this morning, it was all too much for her.

"Oh my-! I'm so sorry--" the male panicked, unsure of why she suddenly burst out. Daehwi cupped his body everywhere. His chest, thighs, hoping to find at least a cloth to wipe her tears away.

Luckily, he did. He handed it over to her, hands trembling a little bit, not knowing what to do. "Hey," Daehwi called out, "If something's bothering you, you know I'm always here to listen, yeah?"

She gave him a small nod, although, she knew she'll never tell him that it was him that was bothering her. That, he was the reason for all her sleepless nights and the tear stains on her cheek.

Friend. It's all she'll ever be.

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