The meting

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Meanwhile at the castle a meeting was just beginning all people from all over the land came Elond the elf king and his dotter Ella, and the orks, humans, cat folk, and many more. The whole group walked into a big room and sat at a big round table the room was lowed with voices, but the voices all stopped once the king of Silver city sat down with his son James beside him.

"Now lets discus the diyer situation at hand Dragon Claw"

"He has been stealing all are ore especially the rare silver stone" said a ork from the end of the table

"Now what wood Dragon Claw need with all that ore unless" said Elond

"Unless what" yelled prince James

"Now son don't Elond what do you mean" said Covor the king

"Ella would you mind" asked Elond

"Dragon Claw may be planning too make the crown of binding to rule over all the lands" said Ella as she sat down back into her seat

"If he made this crown of binding what would it do?" asked Covor the king

"It can bend the will of all even creatures even dragons if he hasn't taken control of them yet" Said Ella

"That's not good not at all what can we do King Covor of Silver city what will you do your town has loads of ore" said Okeom leader of the orks

"Not lately my friend but if Dragon Claw will hit hear next we all need to be prepared for what is coming Elond will you and Ella research how we can stop the crown or try to make it before Dragon Claw gets the chance" said Cover

"It would be my honor come Ella we have work to do" Elond finished and him and Ella walked out of the room and went to the library

"Father studying and researching will not stop Dragon Claw we need to prepare for war father war not.....books and researching this crown that Dragon Claw may be making we need to fight" said James as he hit the table with his fist Covor rose from the table and looked at his son with cold dark eyes.

"Son a true leader douse not rush into battle but studies his enemy and learns his attacks so he can prepare for whatever comes his way and that means Dragon Claw and the crown of binding so SILINCE and let me handle this son there is more to life then war and power do you not remember your what happened to your mother" said Cover as he sat back down on the table and calmed himself and James's face was blank was it because what his father said about war or the last line of his mother and with that James sat back down. After awhile of boring speeches and lechers of hope and hope and roomers of dragon claw James stood up and walked to the door and before he walked out he turned and faced his father.

"Father if you won't fight Dragon Claw then I will" James said as he walked off

"James you don't know what you're doing" said Cover James stopped

"No, father you don't know what you're doing" and with that James walked out

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