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Omg the best thing happened to me!! Peyton said

What happened Peyton. Megan said

Will Nash and Hayes are here at Minnesota and we can see them and we can come to there house. Payton said

Want we.who is we. Megan said

Megan. Me and you are going are HAPPPY BECAUSE I AM. Payton said

But want what about Erica she will be mad at use. Meagan said

Don't worry she will be fine. She said she can get her own. Payton said

For sure. Be sure. Are you sure.

Calm down we are fine she will not be mad

( knock knock )

I will get it. Payton said

Who is it. Who is it!! Megan said

It is Erica. What do you want Erica. Payton and Megan said

Do you have your tickets. Do you tell me. Erica said

Erica... Yes we did. Do you get yours. Payton said

No I did not. Can I come with you guys come PLEASE. Erica said

NO NO NO. Because I had enough money for two. And Megan was so happy whine she fond out. Payton said.

Fine I am going home. Erica said

Will go get a job Erica and you can pay. Payton said

Fine I will then. Erica said

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