The Flower of Death (and other totally true stories)

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Staying undetected in the Death Realm was easier than expected. Alistair couldn't have known that I was here, or what I was trying to do. For what it was worth, I was just relieved to be somewhere I was familiar with. Finding a quiet place, I materialised my staff used to chaperone between this realm and the hallway we call limbo.

Channelling what energy I could, I slammed my stick into the ground, waiting in silence.


Thinking it a fluke, I tried again. Still nothing. Again. Nothing.

I groaned. I suppose being back in the death realm wasn't going to 'recharge' my staff. I felt anger swell in the pit of my stomach and my arm lurched back to ditch it into the abyss.

"Well look who it is! We haven't seen you in ages, where have you been?" A familiar voice caught me before I could ditch my staff into the void. I snapped my head up and was greeted by the familiar presence of Jeriah, my old friend. It was like a godsend.

"Jeriah!" I beamed and dematerialised my staff where it would await my beckoning call. He could help me get to Alistair.

"Hey I heard you're on probation, what happened dude?" His face held a look of confusion. I shook my head.

"Now isn't the time. Look, I need a favour." This needed to work, so like a bandaid, I decided to just get on with it. "I need you to take me to Alistair."

Jeriah made a face like he'd been slapped. "What? No! Why can't you do it yourself?" He folded his arms over his chest and pointed a look my way. I clasped my hands together.

"Please, Jeriah. I can't get there while on probation. It's an emergency,"

He huffed, a cautious look sweeping over his bones. "Where have you been, Raven? What have you done?"

I avoided his careful gaze. "I-I can't tell you." I scratched the back of my neck. His eyes narrowed, searching my face now.

"How do I know you won't be pulling me into trouble as well?" It was obvious he wasn't happy, but what else was I supposed to do? I had no idea where Charlotte was, and as much as I hated to admit it, I cared more than I dared to think about.

"You need to trust me," I sighed helplessly. I felt useless.

"No way! First you disappear for a week, then I heard you got put on probation, and now here you are, showing up out of nowhere and asking me to do something that's totally against the rules!" He threw his hands up with exasperation. I dropped my head.

"I'm sorry." He was right. I was trying to use him to my own advantage, and he didn't like it. "Just forget about it."

"Raven - we're worried about you. Are you in trouble?" His words made me feel like he was trying to parent his child out of a drug problem.

"More than you know," I muttered under my breath. He didn't comment on my remark but instead grabbed my shoulder.

"You have hair now." It wasn't a question and I knew better than to reply. Eventually, he heaved a sigh.

"Look, I want to help." His eyes were full of an emotion I couldn't place. Pity? My stomach churned that I could come across this sad. Pathetic. But what other choice did I have? "But you haven't given me any reason to trust you. We used to be close, you know?"

I blinked. I'd never seen this side of Jeriah before. I mean yeah, we used to be close, but it was mostly sharing a drink over useless conversations, complaining about our clients and other reapers. A wave of guilt. Just tell him Raven. It's the only way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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