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I wake up, realizing that I'm not in my bed, and that I've fallen asleep on the couch, AND that it's 10:45 a.m.. Fück.

I practically sprint off the couch, fumbling to find a suitable outfit, a tight black skirt, a white blouse, a black necklace, heels, and pearl earrings. I let my hair down into a wavy mess, but it looked kinda sexy so I left it. I then brushed my teeth, sprayed my Vanilla Bean Noel spray on, rolled the deodorant on my armpits 100 times because when I meet new people I sweat. Bad.

I grab the keys and look at the time.

10:55 a.m.

Oh god.

I sprint out the door calling a cab, getting one quickly. I arrive at work, grabbing an iced coffee from the cafe at the bottom of the building and hopping on the elevator. I cringe as I realize how awkward I'm gonna be and thinking of how to greet him. Hey? Hi? Sorry I'm late?

I have no idea.

The elevator doors open and I'm greeted with Daniel.

"Hey Lucy, you're looking beautiful this morning. Think about the offer?" He asked blocking my walkway, smirking at me. Ew.

"Yes I have, and Daniel I don't want to." I try pushing through him but he stops me again.

"C'mon, it won't end your life! Just one!"

"Daniel get out of my way I'm late already!"

"Not until you say yes!"

"Okay, whatever Daniel, just move," I push past him rolling my eyes. I'm definitely not going on a date with that freak.

"Love your skirt by the way," he yells at me from behind. I pull the ends down. Perv.

I then am greeted with dark emerald eyes, that definitely are not happy to see me. But what surrounds the eyes are even more beautiful. His features have almost been perfectly picked and placed as if no one could possibly be as good looking as he was. His lips were blush red and his jaw cut angular and perfectly to outline his face. His hair fell atop his head in spiral curls, loose but put together. Although his features were soft and beautiful, his forehead was not. I noticed his eyebrows were furrowed and not looking happy. Oh shït.

"Are you Lucy Williams?" He asked, an annoyance adding to his voice that blew in my face like a punch. He also had a British accent dripping from his tongue.

"Yes," I struggled to push the words from my throat, like he was making me forget what language was.

"Well I've been standing around here for 45 minutes waiting for you to show me around and you just now show up? Do you have any idea how rude that is?" He lectured me like a teacher, I was surprised how aggressive he was for just meeting me, I would have figured he would be annoyed but not infuriated. What do I even say back? I'm at a loss.

"I'm— im so sorry, my fault."

"Okay. Now give me this tour so I can get to my office," he presses, wanting me to get on it.

"Okay," I say, timidly. I feel like a child getting yelled at. I hate when people are upset with me, especially someone who now I wish I was impressing.

I ran through all the stations, cubicles, restrooms, conference rooms, paper rooms, and offices. Once we arrived at his office, he nodded at me and shut the door, leaving me shocked and surprised on the outside. I was done with my tour honestly but I was amazed at the nerve this man had to slam his door in my face. I walked back to my office, shutting the door as well. I arrived at my computer and put my head down, running over the events that happened in the past minutes and cringe. I hate myself sometimes. I lift my head back up, chugging the iced coffee, checking my emails. One from Daniel. I also notice a text from Sophie.

To: Lucy Williams
From: Daniel Andrews
Subject: date
So what day would work best for you?
Daniel A.
Holding's Enterprises

To: Daniel Andrews
From: Lucy Williams
Subject: time
Let me think about it for a week, I'll let you know.
Lucy W.
Holding's Enterprises

And by let me think about it, I mean I will never get back to you on that.

Sophie: where are you he's here (hot asf btw) but where are you?

Sophie: he doesn't look happy

Sophie: tell me how it goes

I reply back.

Me: well I accidentally slept on the couch last night and forgot to set an alarm and woke up late. And he yelled at me, then ignored me, then shut his door in my face so that's that. I just wanna go home.

I wait for Sophie's quick response but it doesn't come within a few minutes so I put my phone back in my purse and start working on organizing files for the manager. I file up some paperwork as well, preparing it for her meeting. She was in a meeting right now but left me a note to bring it to her at her 12 p.m. meeting. I check the time and realize I have a good 10 minutes before I have to head to the conference room. I organize my desk and go on Instagram for a second and head outside. I walk to the conference room hoping I don't see Mr. Styles again. As I open the door I spot the man himself sitting in the chair closest to the boss. I walk to the manager and set the papers in front of her. As I look up, Style's eyes burn into me, not in the mean way he had before. I make the same eye contact, biting my lip, turning to the door and waking out. As I walk out of the blinded conference room I hear their conversation inside.

"I forgot to ask you, how was your tour this morning, Mr. Styles?" Jessica asked.

I wait for the response, preparing for him to go down an endless list of how I was anything far from punctual or organized. I expected him to totally and utterly destroy me and get me fired.

"It was lovely, she helped me out a lot," he replies back, making me drop my jaw a bit. I was so confused.

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