first meeting

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Itachi has always crave Naruto's love but after being told ' i'm in love with Sasuke ', Itachi started to lose all hope but he still had some hope in him even if it was just a little that maybe one day Naruto would return his feelings but that all changed the day he meet Deidara.  

it was a sunny morning in the city of Konohagakure and everyone was busy living their own life. Konoha University is a place where only those born with talent or money goes to school. in the middle of the University stood a raven hair man in his mid 20's ( 25 ) " Tachi " yelled a blonde hair kid in his teens ( 18 ) as he ran towards the raven " Naruto, what are you doing here " asked the raven as he looked around to see if anyone notice the teen but it sees like everyone was in their own world to notice " i want you to meet someone " said Naruto as he smiled then he took the raven's arm and led him away " Naruto wait " yelled the raven but Naruto wouldn't listen " Deidara " yelled Naruto as he let go of the raven's forearm before he ran towards another blonde hair man that was waiting just outside the school gates " Naru " yelled Deidara when he saw Naruto jump onto him " Itachi this is my cousin, Deidara " said Naruto once Deidara mange to slightly push Naruto off him " hey " said Deidara as he smiled towards Itachi who raised an eyebrow, Itachi couldn't help but eye Deidara up and down before he noticed that Deidara looked a lot like Naruto expect for the whiskers and that his hair was long but it wasn't noticeable because Deidara had a ponytail 

it took a few secs before Deidara thought it was kind of awkward that Itachi didn't say anything, he only stared at him which made Deidara get a tint of pink on his cheeks so in order not make his blush noticeable, he turned his attention towards Naruto who smirked at the encounter between his cousin and his big brother figure " so Naru, are you gonna show me around " asked Deidara before he notice that Naruto rub the back of his head " hehe, sorry Deidara but I'm meeting Sasuke for lunch " said Naruto before he turned towards Itachi who was just staring at Deidara " but Tachi here could show you around " said Naruto as he wiggled his eyebrows just slightly but Deidara was the only one that notice which cause him blush " this brat " thought Deidara as he tsk. Naruto notice that Itachi wasn't responding so he turned around and left right before Itachi could decline " Naruto " yelled Itachi once his brain comprehended what Naruto said but he notice that Deidara chuckling " what's so funny " questioned Itachi as he fold his arms across his chest " it's that Naruto explained that Uhicha's don't show emotions so I'm just surprise that's all but it's kinda cute you know " said Deidara as he chuckle towards the end but then he realized what he said " I'm sorry " stuttered Deidara as he blush which cause Itachi smile a little

Deidara couldn't help but beat himself up because he thought he made a fool out himself " you don't have to show me around, I'm just gonna get going " said Deidara because he was too embarrassed to face Itachi so Deidara turned around to leave but all of a sudden Itachi grabbed his forearm which surprised both Deidara and himself. when Itachi first grabbed Deidara's forearm, he felt some sort of electricity run through his body but he wasn't the only one that felt it, both Itachi's and Deidara's heart beat started beating rapidly and their face were flush but unlike Deidara, Itachi face was normal so there was no telling what he was thinking. Deidara face was so red that went up to his ears so when he put some hair strand behind his ears, it was more noticeable that his ears were red " Itachi " questioned Deidara as he looked up towards Itachi but once they made eye contact Itachi eyes widen when he took a better look at Deidara's eye. Ever since Itachi was little, he was always loved Naruto's eyes because his eyes looked like the sky and he could lost in them but Deidara's eyes were very different because his eyes looked like the ocean and Itachi felt like he was drowning which made him hold his breath. Itachi didn't know he was holding his breath until he felt that he was really drowning from lack of oxygen " lets go " said Itachi before he grabbed Deidara's forearm again then he led Deidara inside the university but after a while Itachi didn't let go of Deidara's arm which cause him blush " mhmm Itachi " said Deidara " yea " said Itachi " can you let go of my arm " said Deidara making Itachi ' hn ' as he let go of Deidara's arm but he couldn't help but frown when he lost the warmth of someone he just meet

Deidara decide to walk next to Itachi who keep glancing at Deidara who eye everything and everyone " what the hell is wrong with me " thought Itachi as he sigh deeply but Deidara noticed " i guess being with me, is boring huh " said Deidara as he smile sadly but he couldn't help but chuckle as he stopped walking " maybe it was a bad idea to move here for a guy, i don't even know " thought Deidara as he hung his head low while he place some strand of hair behind he ears " you really don't have to show me around, you know " said Deidara as he looked up at Itachi's back before he walked away. everything was going to fast for Itachi who didn't know what to do so he did what he thought was best and that was to go after Deidara. Deidara walked a few feet before he felt 2 pairs of strong arms around his waist " i'm sorry Deidara, the sigh wasn't because of you. i just have a lot of things going through my mind " explained Itachi as he hid his face on Deidara's neck but he took the chance to smell Deidara which cause him to bit his lips but as soon as he finished smelling Deidara, he notice what he was doing " i'm sorry, i don't know what gotten to me " said Itachi as he let go of Deidara's waist then he backed away but it seemed like Deidara just froze into place " he hugged me " thought Deidara as he tried to keep his excitement in cheek. Itachi felt like he did something bad to Deidara but he couldn't help it, his body just moved on it own " great i scared him, now what " thought Itachi as he sigh just a little but he still had the urge to touch Deidara which was hard because Deidara was right here in the open 

Itachi shook his head but he fail to notice that Deidara turned around and face him " Itachi " said Deidara making Itachi look up with hopeful eyes " I'm sorry " said Itachi but was cut off by Deidara " it's fine, you don't have to apologize. you caught me by surprise but it's not like i didn't like it " said Deidara as he rub the back of his head but he ended up blushing when he realized what he said as well as Itachi who had his eyes widen. Itachi and Deidara stood in silence which to them wasn't as uncomfortable as they thought it would be. both Itachi and Deidara hearts were beating fast, they're face were flush and they looked everywhere expect each other " i should really get going though " said Deidara " where are you going " asked Itachi as he eye Deidara up and down " well i still haven't found a place to stay so " said Deidara but he was cut off by Itachi who smirked " move in with me " said Itachi making Deidara widen his eyes 

......................... TO BE CONTIUNED 

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