hopeless love

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( hey guys I'm back with more Deidara and Itachi )

It was 5 in the morning and the sun wasn't shining due to the cloudy weather, Deidara was sitting on the edge of his bed with his feet dangling above the ground. Deidara could barely keep his eyes open " too early " thought Deidara as he started to regret taking the morning class that started at 8 o'clock. Deidara zombie walked out his room after he brush his teeth and washed his face then he knocked on Itachi's doors " Tachi food " called out Deidara as he rubbed his tired eyes but after a few mins, Deidara didn't hear anything so he opened the door and his eyes wonder at the sleeping Itachi who was shirtless " damn " mumbled Deidara as he blushed but his stomach demanded food so he walked towards Itachi " Tachi " said Deidara a he moved Itachi just slightly but Itachi wouldn't wake up " Tachi I want food " said Deidara as he kind screamed but it seemed to work when he saw one of Itachi's eyes opening " Deidara " questioned Itachi as he stared that Deidara's eyes that's seemed the shine from the slightly opened window but then he notice at that Deidara was shirtless and he wearing a very low cut sweatpants that hanged around his waist loosely " let me sleep " said Itachi as he turned on his side because he didn't want Deidara to notice his blush " bastard " mumbled Deidara as he turned around to leave but he felt like he was falling backwards which was true because Itachi grabbed Deidara's arm

Deidara laid next to Itachi with his back against Itachi's chest " lets sleep for 5 more mins " mumbled Itachi as he hid his face behind Deidara's neck while his hold on Deidara's waist tighten " what about food " asked Deidara as he looked behind him " i'll buy you breakfast at school so be a good boy and go to sleep " mumbled Itachi before he place a small kiss on Deidara's neck which cause Deidara to giggle " fine but only for 5 mins " said Deidara as he closed his eyes but he heard Itachi ' mhmm ' making Deidara smile before he fell into a deep sleep. Deidara slowly opened one eye when he felt the hot burning sun in his face causing him to hiss, Deidara sat up before he looked around the room that wasn't his but that was until his eyes landed on the clock which cause him to  widen his eyes when he saw that it was 9 o'clock " Tachi, we over slept " yelled Deidara as he smacked Itachi's back making him groan in pain " what " questioned Itachi as he slightly sat up " you stupid Tachi " yelled Deidara as he left running out of Itachi's room while Itachi tried to comprehend what was going on

Deidara rushed as he took a bath, got dress and fixed his hair into a ponytail while his bangs stay in place. Deidara put on a leather jacket then he grabbed his bag but once he ran towards the door, Deidara saw Itachi waiting for him with his bag but he notice the sweat running down his neck " you ready " asked Itachi but Deidara just glared at him " humph " sounded Deidara as he turned his head to the side " are you mad " questioned Itachi but Deidara just walked by him without saying anything " great " mumbled Itachi as he closed the door behind them. Itachi ran a little until he passed Deidara and towards his car, Deidara stopped in his tracks when he saw Itachi open the passenger door for him. Itachi waited for Deidara to get in but his eyes widen in disbelief when he saw Deidara walk away in a different direction and that's when Itachi noticed the motorcycles at the end of the block " that's yours " asked Itachi " what do you think, stupid Tachi " said Deidara before he put on his helmet then he hopped on, Deidara was about to start his motorcycle before he felt a grip on his forearm " I'm coming with " said Itachi " leave me alone " said Deidara as he pulled away but that's when Itachi hopped on, Deidara took off his helmet " really " said Deidara as he gave Itachi a side glare but Itachi just wrapped his arms around Deidara waist " I'm sorry " said Itachi " whatever " mumbled Deidara before he turned around then he forcibly put his helmet on Itachi " hold on tight " said Deidara as he started his motorcycle then he drove off with Itachi screaming in the back

20 mins later, Deidara pulled up into the school parking lot but he still felt Itachi arms around his waist " we're here "said Deidara as he tap Itachi on his arm , Itachi slowly let go of Deidara's waist then he clim off the motorcycle " i told you to slow down " said Itachi as he took of his helmet " sorry " said Deidara as he smirk " bastard " mumbled Itachi as he push the helmet onto Deidara's chest but he notice the way Deidara laugh " hurry up or i'll leave you behind " said Itachi as he walked away until he saw Naruto waiting for him in front of the school so he walked towards him. Deidara chuckled to himself before he hopped off his motorcycle " Tachi just a baby " thought Deidara making him smile that was until he turned around and saw Itachi with Naruto. everything slow down for Deidara when he study Itachi facial expressions and body movements " it can't be " mumbled Deidara as he looked away " Itachi's in love with Naruto " thought Deidara as his eyes got teary but he covered his face with his bangs when he ran away from the scene in front of him. Itachi glance up before he notice that Deidara wasn't there " Tachi are you listening to me " questioned Naruto before he notice that Itachi wasn't looking at him " what is he looking at " thought Naruto as he glance over then he notice Deidara motorcycle " oh that's Deidara's  motorcycle but where is he " questioned Naruto " yea my thoughts exactly " mumbled Itachi as frown when the thought of Deidara leaving him crossed his mind " so can you do it " asked Naruto as he turned towards Itachi " yea, I'll pack tonight then I'll head over to your place around 6 " said Itachi before he bid his goodbyes to Naruto then he left because he didn't want to late to his class that started in 10 minuets. Deidara ran through the hallways as he made his way to the bathroom " i should had known " thought Deidara as he wiped his tears, Deidara stood in front of  he sink while his bangs covered his face then he slowly raised his head in order to see his reflection " what is it that Naruto has, that i don't " thought Deidara as he traced all of his features " i know, I'm ugly that's what " mumbled Deidara as he closed his eyes to stop the tears but it wasn't working at all " why can't love be so simple " mumbled Deidara before he took his time in the bathroom but after a while he left because the school bell rang. An hour had passed since Itachi seen Deidara, Itachi was deep in thought while he looked out the window so he didn't notice that the school bell had rang and he was left alone in an empty classroom
" where did you go " thought Itachi before he snapped out of his thought when he heard the door slam open so his eyes wonder to the idiot that ruined his train of thoughts

Deidara stood by the door way of his next class " De-Deidara " stuttered Itachi as he stood up, Deidara froze when he heard Itachi voice " fuck " thought Deidara when he forgot that Itachi had class there. Deidara locked eyes with Itachi who walked towards him " where did you go this morning, i was looking for you " said Itachi once he got a good gip on Deidara's forearm " i wasn't gonna miss more class because of you " said Deidara as he looked away " have you been crying " questioned Itachi as he lifted Deidara's chin towards him but Itachi notice that Deidara glance away " did someone hurt you " asked Itachi as he grabbed Deidara's cheeks with both hands, Deidara felt his heart throb in pain when an image of Itachi and Naruto came into view " yea, i just got heartbroken by the one i love, better? " questioned Deidara but he notice that Itachi was no longer holder him so he looked up and was meet with an angry Uchiha " love " questioned Itachi as he grabbed Deidara by the shoulder " Tachi " whispered Deidara but all he received was the coldest glare from Itachi " what do you know about love " questioned Itachi " someone like you " yelled Itachi making Deidara eyes widen " better then having a one sided love " said Deidara " excuse me " questioned Itachi as he backed away from Deidara just slightly " i notice the way you look at my cousin, the way you yarn for him. the one person that would never love you " said Deidara making Itachi eyes widen while he made a fist, everything was quite in the empty until an echo of a loud smack could be heard

Deidara face was turned to the side while his eyes were widen, Deidara held onto his left cheek that was turning red by the second " I'm sorry " said Itachi as he slowly reached for Deidara but he stop when Deidara backed away from but he couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw Deidara beautiful eyes shed tears " i didn't mean it " continued Itachi as he tried to move towards Deidara but Deidara just ran out of the classroom " fuck " yelled Itachi as he grabbed his hair from the side but then he turned to grabbed his bag before he ran after Deidara " Deidara wait " yelled Itachi as he follow Deidara who didn't stop running even when he bumped into students that were making their way to their classroom. Deidara tears didn't stop either did the pain in his heart, Deidara ran for his life when he heard Itachi right behind him but his luck ran out when Itachi forcibly turned him around " don't touch me " yelled Deidara as he got out of Itachi grip then he push Itachi as far away from him " I'm sorry Deidara, i didn't mean it. I'm was angry and i just " said Itachi but he stopped midway when he saw a small hit of blood coming down on Deidara's chin but the most noticeable thing was the hand print on Deidara's face that was starting to swell up " i hit him that hard " thought Itachi as he guilt start to built in " i hate you " yelled Deidara making Itachi look up at him while his eyes widen " i hate you, you stupid Tachi " continued Deidara before he threw his book bag at Itachi who lifted his arms to cover his face before the book bag could do any damage

Deidara took the chance to run when Itachi was still covering his face, Itachi slowly opened his eyes as he slowly put down his arm " he hates me " mumbled Itachi as he stared at the same spot that Deidara once stood, Itachi kneeled down then he grabbed Deidara's book bag " I'm sorry, Deidara " thought Itachi before he stood up but he couldn't help but notice the whispers and stares from the students that stopped when they heard screaming " don't you have class " yelled Itachi as he glared at everyone who ran away when they notice who it was. Itachi looked out the window before he sign but he notice a slight pain in his chest making him grab his shirt where his heart was located " what's this " questioned Itachi when he felt something he never experience before and not even with Naruto

..................... TO BE CONTINUED

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