Texting Buddies

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Johnnie's POV

I was so scared to text Y/N. 'What if it's too soon? I only got her number an hour ago. But what if she's asleep. I'll text her and see what happens I guess'


Johnnie: Hey, I had a really fun time today :)


You woke up at 8:30am and you checked your phone to see you had a text from Johnnie. You squealed. Kayla came into my room asking if I was okay. "Sorry, I'm fine, Johnnie texted me." She jumped on your bed with you. "WHAT DID HE SAY?!?!?" She was as excited as me if not more. You told her she squealed too. "TEXT HIM BACK!" She demanded.


Y/N: Same :)

Johnnie: Good morning to you too

Y/N: Sorry :P

Johnnie: It's fine

Johnnie: Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go get coffee later?


Y/N: Oh I mean yea sure I'll make time :P

Johnnie: XD Okay I'll talk to you later

Y/N: K bye

Johnnie's POV

'That was adorable' I thought to myself. So I have a date later with a beautiful girl. 'This should be fun'


"So, wanna help me pick out clothes?" You ask Kayla. "YES!"

You and Kayla have a little fashion show and you decide on a short black dress, black heels and a bow in your long h/c hair.

You and Kayla have a little fashion show and you decide on a short black dress, black heels and a bow in your long h/c hair

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Johnnie picks you up around 3pm. "You look beautiful, Y/N" you blush deep shade of red "thanks" you say smiling. "WEAR A CONDOM, GUILBERT" Kayla shouts from the couch. You run in and squish her with a pillow while Johnnie watches laughing. "I'm gonna kill you when I get back" you say as you set her free. "YOU LOVE ME" she shouts as you walk out the door. "Sorry" you say as you walk to Johnnie's car. "For what?" he asks opening your door. "Kayla" "Oh that, it's fine it was actually really funny." He says and you both laugh. "So where are we going" you innocently ask "A place" he says.

You end up in a cute cafe just talking and laughing. A few fans showed up but you didn't mind at first but then one of the girls said "WHY HER JOHNNIE SHE'S NOT AS PRETTY AS ME" "Because I like this girl and I find her very beautiful so I think we're going to go now thanks for watching my videos." 'Shes right I'm not good enough for Johnnie' "Uh Johnnie, can I ask you something?" "Fire away." You sigh and ask "Was that girl back there prettier than me?" He stops dead in his tracks. "Y/N, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." You smile softly

You end up at Johnnie's, he orders a pizza and then you find his movie shelf. "OMG YOU HAVE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST???" you say very excited. "Yea wanna watch it?" he asks smiling. "OF COURSE" you hug him. "Thank you" and then he smiles.

You get your pizza and go into the living room and see Johnnie on the couch with pillows and blankets with the movie ready to play you sit next to him and then he looks at you with his best puppy eyes. You smile getting what he meant you scoot closer and he wraps his arms around you, you lay your head on his chest and you eat your pizza and watch the movie together. By the time the movie is over it's 7:30. "I know this might be a little forward but do you want to stay the night it's late and already dark out and-" you cut him off by kissing him because he just started rambling. It took a second then he kisses you back. "What was that for?" He asks "I felt like it was the right time" you laughed and so did he. "So I take that as you'll stay over?" "Yea, I guess" you say pretending to be annoyed.

You dozed off on his chest and suddenly it was morning. "Morning" you say yawning. "Good morning, beautiful" he says back making you blush. "SHIT" you say startling him. "What??" he says worried. "I forgot to tell Kayla where I was." "I'm sure she knows" you both laugh. "Well want breakfast?" you ask. 

I Don't Care What You Are ( Johnnie Guilbert x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now