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"Joshua, is that you?" I heard Mom call.
"Yeah." I kicked my shoes off and pushed them into the front closet.
"Come here for a second, please." She sounded kind of upset.
I followed her voice to the dining room, where she was sitting at the table.  She was sitting there with a few notebooks in front of her, one of them was open and she seemed to have been reading them.
"Those are mine." I went to grab them, but she held them tightly.
"I'm aware.  Sit down." She motioned towards any of the chairs.
"Why were you in my room?" I asked.
"That's none of your business.  I'd like to know the reason why some of the things are written in here." She pulled out a chair.
"It doesn't matter.  Give me my books." I took them from her, hardly paying attention to the disgusted look on her face.
I went up to my room, which was upstairs and to the right.  It was beside Abbie's room, and across from Jordan's.  I was glad Mom hadn't made me share with Jordan, because he was always in my way.
"Get back down here!" She shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
I chose to ignore her.  Instead, I opened one of the notebooks.  It made me feel better when I reread what I wrote, so that's what I decided I would do.  I had forgotten about my books, I hadn't written in them in months.  I had no reason to.
"Open this door, Joshua." Mom banged on my door.
"Can you leave me alone for five seconds?" I snapped.
I locked the door, waiting to hear her footsteps before I went back to my desk.  I heard her mumbling something to herself, but she walked away.  I knew I shouldn't give her such a hard time, but truthfully, I didn't want to talk about personal things with her.  I much preferred talking to my friends about it, but that was hard considering they were always busy. 
I opened my laptop, bringing it to my bed.  I sat cross legged as I went through my social media, going through different sites until a chat bubble appeared at the bottom of my screen.  It was from someone I didn't know, because the bubble had no username or screen name.

Unknown: hey hey!

I wasn't sure what I was suppose to respond with.

Josh Dun: who's this?

Unknown: that's not a very friend way to respond to someone.

Josh Dun: you're not funny.  Is this a joke?

Unknown: nope

Josh Dun: then who is this

Unknown: is this Josh Dun from school?

Josh Dun: I don't know.  I'm not telling you what school I go to.

Unknown: is this Josh Dun with yellow hair?

Josh Dun: who is this.

Unknown: the one with big holes in your ears?

Josh Dun: you're freaking me out.  Can you just tell me who you are

Unknown: I'm not gonna hurt you, dude.  I'm seventeen.

Josh Dun: whatever man

Josh Dun has logged out

I shut the laptop, taking a deep breath.  Whoever that was, was totally weird.  I picked up my phone, hoping any of my friends were around, but when I texted them, they were all busy.  I sighed, laying down and falling asleep.
"Josh, get up." Jordan shook me.
Jordan was eleven.  He was my only brother, six years younger than me.  He bothered me to every extent, and no matter what I said, he never left me alone.
"Get out." I swatted at him.
"Dinner." He slammed my door on the way out, making sure I stayed awake.
I got up, taking my time on my way to the table.  Dad was staring at me with a serious look, his arms were folded across his chest.
"We need to talk, Josh." He told me.
"About what?" I sat down.
"Your attitude.  And those little notebooks of yours." He put a fork full of mashed potatoes in his mouth.
"Can you just drop it?  So what?  Ashley has her own little diary.  What's it matter if I do too?  And I wouldn't have an attitude if it weren't for being yelled at for no reason." I snapped.
"Give it a rest, Josh.  We treat your sisters and your brother the same way." Mom sipped her water.
"Right.  Whatever." I ate my dinner quickly, not even bothering to put my plate in the dishwasher.
I went back to my room, finding another message from the stranger.  I braced myself before checking what it was.

Unknown: aw Josh come back
Unknown: joshhh
Unknown: I'll tell you who I am

Josh Dun: oh my god
Josh Dun: just tell me who you are

Unknown: it's Tyler

Josh Dun: oh yeah I know you!  Seriously?  Who are you.  I know like, a hundred Tylers.

Unknown: Tyler from school.

Josh Dun: still pretty vague, buddy.

Unknown: Tyler from school!
Unknown sent an image

Unknown: Tyler from school

Josh Dun: yeah you mentioned that.  I still don't know you

Unknown: well this is about to get really awkward then

Josh Dun: um what??

Unknown: it's gonna get awkward I said

Josh Dun: you're not funny.  How?

Unknown: is this yellow hair Josh?

Josh Dun sent an image

Josh Dun sent an image

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Josh Dun: yeah.

Unknown has changed his username settings.  You are now able to see his profile.

Tyler Joseph: you're the guy

Josh Dun: the guy?

Tyler Joseph: you're the guy from gym

Josh Dun: uh, maybe?

Tyler Joseph: you're the one who threw the dodgeball and hit that teacher.  You got in a lot of trouble

Josh Dun: a week of suspension.

Tyler Joseph: I know

Josh Dun: how?

Tyler Joseph: I figured

Josh Dun: I gotta go. 

Tyler Joseph: okay :) by then new friend

Josh Dun: bye.

I put my laptop back on my desk, getting under my covers.  I was confused as to why he was messaging me now, but I was almost too tired to think about it.  Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

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