Sike Bruh

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Y'all fucking thought. I don't think so pal. No sex quite yet. Gumball didn't actually pull down his pants. He just looked away embarrassed.

"Please put some clothes on Marshall."

"Alright I'm sorry."

"I'm not going to do you. Yuckkk."

"Well then what are we gonna do? I got this special mattress that is actually soft for us to do it on." Marshall asked and stated.

"Not it. Let's just do something nice like play board game or something?" Asked PB.

"I don't have any board games... what about hide and seek?"

"What are we eight?"

"How about Netflix and Chill?" (BTW what do you guys think the Adventure Time Netflix would be called? Just some silly question."

"That can work. But no s-e-x."

"Okay I get it!"


The room was a little bit warm, but Prince Bubblegum wanted to be under the covers. Without Marshall knowing he took of his pantaloni to even the temperature of himself.

Bubblegum was wrapping his arms around Marsh's chest and shoulder, and laying his head on his shoulder. He did pop a little nub in his pants but he didn't want to be doing it. Even when he's horny Bubblegum has self-control (unlike me).

Bubblegum had this slightly annoying habit where he talks when he's watching movies. He usually watches movies alone or with people who do the same thing. Marshall didn't do that same thing. PB was trying to keep quiet but he kept mumbling things. Marshall could hear this however, because he is a vampire he's got that extreme hearing

"Hey, PB?" Marshall asked.

"Yes Marshy?"

"Can you hush up?"

Bubblegum blushed.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"Thanks you."

As the movie progressed, so did the urge for PB to talk. This went until the point when PB started to mumble really quietly. Marshall couldn't hear this mumbling too well but he knew PB was mumbling.

"Love?" Asked Marshall.

"I'm sorry Marsh I can't help it."

"PB just shut the fuck up."

"I'm sorry." (Actual conversation between my girlfriend and I)

The movie was over and PB had gone without talking the rest of the way. It wasn't easy though.

Marshall was bored but he had an idea of exactly what to do. He nudged PB, who was falling asleep a little bit.

"Hey Bubs, I'm gonna go grab some food."

"NNnnh" Said PB. That meant, 'okay.'

Marshall came back with some pop-tarts and saw PB who looked sacked out. He walked to his bed and sat down in it. After he finished eating he took off his shirt and got under the covies.

I guess we can't make out if he's sleeping. Marshall thought to himself. He layed down attempting to sleep while he waited for his lover to awaken. Can't really sleep to well at night when you're nocturnal. I'm gonna have to change my sleep schedule for this beautiful boy. Marshall thought one last time before shutting his eyes.

[Thank everyone for reading. Check out my youtube at The Warhammer (No innapropraite comments please)]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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