Chapter 9

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Matt dom and Chris stood behind the stage looking nervous. All of the band's here sounded really professional compared to theirs.

"Next up we have a band called, rocket baby d-" A lady came over and handed him a piece if paper. "muse, okay then. Next up is muse!"

Matt slung his old black electric guitar over his shoulder and headed towards the microphone.

Chris grabbed his bass and swaggered over to the other microphone.

Dom twirled his drumsticks, and walked confidently towards the black and white drumkit.

They started with a song called Tourretes by a grunge band called Nirvana.

When they finished playing 3 more songs, the judges announced the winner.

"In third place we have the Atomic Death." The audience roared and applauded the 5 teenagers that had big blonde hair and dark black eyeliner.

"In seconded place, we have pirates in trouble." The audience weren't very happy to say the least.

"And in first place we have....... MUSE!" Everyone was cheering and whooping. The host handed the boys a big golden trophy and a wad of cash.

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