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Taylor's pov

We're finally back from school but I told Karry to buy some groceries so It left me and Damien at home. I went to Karry's room to find Damien while I opened my phone and saw an unread message.

Jackson: Hurry up and do it before he came back. It'll all go according to our plan.

Taylor: Got it!

With that, I keep my phone in my bag and went towards Damien. "Damien! I'll ask you one last time. Can you not report this to anyone after I let you go?" I asked as he turned his head towards me. He didn't give any reaction but he seemed like he's still deciding. Until. . my phone beep again.

Unexpectedly, there's a message from Karry.

Karry: Hey, Is there anything more you want other than carrots? If there isn't any, I'll be back soon.

What!? Nooo!

Taylor: Yes, there is. Buy some fruits too. Just buy any fruits you like.

I quickly send the message then turned my head towards Damien. "Hurry, Karry's gonna come back soon." I am panicked. "Why did you want to betray Karry?" He suddenly asked. "Betray? No. I'm just helping him! He can't keep on, I don't want to see him in the jail one day."

"Fine. I won't tell anyone."

"Okay. I'll let you go, remember your promise." I hurriedly loosened the ropes that are tied at his legs and hands. "Wait, don't open your blindfold first! I'll bring you out, open it out there." I ran towards the door and pushed him out after opening it. Then, I slammed the door before he even got to open his blindfold.

I don't know why, I had to believe in Damien. I had a feeling that he won't tell anyone.

And, there's one more thing before this plan complete. I send one last message to Karry before closing my phone.


Jackson's pov

"Hey Jackson, who are you texting? You seemed worried." Roy interrupted me from texting Taylor.
"Um. My Dad. And, I'm not worried." I lied as he just believed me. Roy didn't know that I'm one of Taylor's best friend.

I was worried for Taylor. Well, our plan is that Taylor would let the student that his cousin kidnapped go without her cousin knowing who let him go.

"Oh yea. Have you seen Taylor and Karry nowadays? After that day we caught Taylor, I've never seen those two already." Roy suddenly asked as my head lifted when I heard the word Taylor.

"No. I didn't." Once again I lied to Roy. There's so much things that Roy didn't know about me.

"Why did you let Taylor get away that day? Wait, not just that day. It's everytime. Why? Is she your girlfriend or something?"

I almost blushed when he said the word girlfriend.

"No. Taylor is not my girlfriend. I just thought that it's not her fault, it's Karry's. He is the one that ordered Taylor to do those things."

How I wish she's my girlfriend.

"Really? Cause your eyes sparkled everytime we saw Taylor."

Taylor's pov

I can't believe Karry made it back within 2 minutes after I sent that message. Usually we took 10 minutes to walk to there from our house. Well, he used to be the school's best runner.

"Are you sure Damien is gone!?" He asked with his messed up clothes and hair. I just managed to blink a few times before answering him.

"Yea. When I came back, he's already gone." I sat on the couch while scrolling my phone screen.

"Tell me the truth, did you release him while I was buying the groceries?" He looked at me. "Why would I release him? He'll report to the police." I lied while looking at my phone screen as I felt really guilty.

"Really? Try to say it again while looking at my eyes." He lifted my chin up to look at him as his face is getting closer to mine. "I-i said, why would I release him? He'll report to the police. . ." I suttered as I can feel my cheeks are getting hotter. He's still staring at me with those feirce eyes of his.

Didn't he realize that our lips are gonna touch?

He kept on leaning nearer and nearer as I could even hear my own heartbeat racing rapidly. Until,






"Don't ever lie to me."
He whispered while smirking before walking  away.

Seriously, my cheek's burning right now!

I just sighed in relief as he had went to his room. Guess he believed me. Lucky me.

The next day

"Jackson, Thanks. That plan works out well." I smiled while giving him a thumbs up.

"Really? I'm glad that I could help."

"Since you always helped me. Maybe, I could help you too. Do you have any request? Or anything?"

"Yup. A-are you free this saturday?" He asked with that face that's hoping me to say yes. "Umm. . . Yes. I'm free. Why?" His expression immediately changed into a happy one.

"I'm gonna bring you somewhere. Just meet me at the cafe you asked me for advice that day." He smiled before walking away. Well, this is the first time Jackson ever asked me out.

Although we've been friends since a few years ago, he never ever asked me out. Guess what? He's my ex crush a few years ago. I didn't dare to confess my love and till now, he still didn't know about that. If I ever confess to him,

Are we supposed to be a couple now? Maybe. But, I'm lucky that I managed to get over Jackson because of.  . .





"Looks like you're really excited for this Saturday with Jackson that you didn't even realize the bell rang."

"Huh?" I turned behind and saw Karry.

"Y-you heard-" I was stucked with my words.

"Yea. I heard you and Jackson's conversation. Saturday seems like a perfect day for a date. What? You're gonna ditch me behind and went on a date with that jerk?" He asked as I was ticked off when he said Jackson was a jerk.

"Who says I'm gonna ditch you behind and went on a date? That's not even a date, on the first place. Lastly, Jackson.is.not.a.jerk." I said while crossing my arms.

"Whatever, he's still a jerk to me." He rolled his eyes before leaving me standing like a fool there.

He seemed mad thou when he said that I'm gonna ditch him for a date. He's thinking too much. Anyway, I was wondering why is he mad?

Is he jealous or something?


I hope that you guys like this chapter. I find this chapter quite boring than the others.

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