Chapter 1

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{ A/N: Writing Assassins Creed is fun okay I realize this now. <3 ANYWAYS. I really enjoyed writing this comments and feedback is always welcomed, I'll be introducing Rosalind for these first few chapters then we'll get to Connor (;
For now be patient and wait for the next update which I hope will be soon depending on how much time I have! Thanks you all!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Assassins Creed. All rights reserved go to ubisoft. }

Chapter 1:
Is it true?

Connor Kenway possibly the most stubborn man alive.
Though this story isn't just about the man who constantly finds himself trouble. Nope.

This story also follows a young girl.
Born roughly around when Connor was born.
Her name was Rosalind.
This is her story as well.


The morning Rosalind woke up to was magnificent; not a cloud to be seen in miles it seemed. America always seemed more beautiful during the spring.
Actually all the time.
"Che bella!" (How beautiful!) Her voice carried the enthusiasm of any thirteen year old girl who seemed to enjoy life yet, where there was a smile there was always a frown to be found. Or dent in what seemed to be a perfect life.
Her father was an alcoholic which, troubled her most days. He'd yell and abuse her. The worst of it dealt to the mother she loved much more than her father she dare say it. Usually father would stop and cease the abuse after a short time but, tonight...
Tonight was different.

Rosa's father came from the tavern, looking as if he drank much more than ever before. His eyes held a much more fiercer glare than ever something, about him at that very moment brought fear to Rosalind who was watching him from the staircase.
He spotted her.

"Rosalind Lucia Fiore"

"Si, padre?" She answered hoping her father didn't sense the fear she held within her heart.
(Yes, father?)

"Prendi il tuo cazzo di culo qui, adesso!" he yelled.
(Get your fucking ass down here, now!)

She immediately got up and down the staircase to meet her father who held a look that was...unexplainable.
"Ciao papà." Rosa said, hoping to release any tension that was held between the two.

"Dov'è tua madre?"
(Where's your mother?)

"Non sono sicuro, papà."
(I'm not sure, papa.)

"Stai mentendo?" he asked her seriously, his tone bringing even more fear to her voice as she spoke.
(Are you lying to me?)

"No, papà! Non sto mentendo." she said quickly.
(No, papa! I'm not lying.)

In actuality she was lying and her dad very well knew this and she would be punished for doing so. With one quick movement of the hand she was dealt with. A fist jabbing her right in the cheek causing her to fall backwards she winced and only screamed for a short while before silencing herself.

"Dov'è tua madre?!" he yelled at her.
(Where's your mother?!)

"Sinceramente non lo so!"
(I honestly don't know!)

"Toglimi le mani di mia figlia!" Rosa's mother yelled from the stairs.
(Get your hands off of my daughter!)

"È cagna! Dove sei stato?!"
(You bitch! Where have you been?!)

"Nascondere da te, fino a quando mi sono reso conto che stavano attaccando la mia figlia."
(Hiding from you, until I realized you were attacking my daughter.)

"Non stavo attaccando lei. Stavo mettendo al suo posto per aver mentito." he defended.
(I wasn't attacking her. I was putting her in her place for lying.)

"Non è meglio colpire di nuovo o finirò voi."
(You better not hit her again or I will end you.)

"Oh davvero? Mi stai minacciando?" he asked. She stayed silent. "Allora?"
(Oh really? Are you threatening me?) (Well?)

Rosa watched as the two went back and forth there was a brief silence after Rosa's father spoke but, then Victoria also known as Rosa's mother picked up the conversation...


"Dimmi, puoi veramente mi sopraffare, Victoria?"
(Tell me, can you truly overpower me, Victoria?)

"Emilio, fermare questo. Per favore."
(Emilio, stop this. Please.)

"Pensi di poter davvero uccidermi?!"
(You think you can really kill me?!)

"Una madre farebbe di tutto per proteggere il suo bambino..."
(A mother would do anything to protect her child...)

"Va bene allora. Andiamo! Fammi vedere cosa sai fare!"
(Alright then. Come on! Show me what you got!)

Quickly Victoria; ran up the stairs with a sense of urgency she went into the room and locked it and put a chair down by the knob to help with it but, it wouldn't stop her husband from kicking the door down with all the anger he had within him.

"Per favore, fermare questo! Non sei stanco di sentire in questo modo?"
(Please, just stop this! Aren't you tired of feeling this way?)

Rosa's father punched Victoria down the torture relentlessly carrying on for more than a few minutes.

"Vuoi che mi fermi?!" he asked as he punched her again. "Beh mi fare, cagna!" He punched her again.
(You want me to stop?!) (Well make me, bitch!)

"Padre! Smettila!" Rosa yelled.
(Father! Stop it!)

But he never did.
And the end result being Rosa watching her own mother die a tragic death. She watched as the man she called her father kill her mother who was utterly defenseless she went limp and he continued with the battery.
She asked herself more than once.
Why her?
She watched as her father walked away from the scene as if nothing happened. She saw the pool of blood that surrounded her mother she couldn't fathom any words.

But she did know what was her next step.

Assassins Creed: Taming Connor KenwayWhere stories live. Discover now