Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Seek What Is Needed

Rosalind sobbed throughout the night laying in her mother's cold, limp arms that she had forced to hold her. She quickly realized that it was no longer safe here for obvious reasons. She was their only child and if it was only her and her father. She would become a woman like her mother at this very moment.
The thought made her shudder.

She left her mother. Getting up she had planned a way of living.
Steal father's horse now, before he could awake. Then go into Boston and find a job that would provide a home and meal on the table.
Through all this thinking she packed few essentials into a satchel that once belonged to her mother. She found a pin in there. It was the insignia the girl had never seen her mother associate with but, she took it anyways and pinned to her shirt she wore it along with bottoms that looked like they belonged to one of a mans.
She saw some letters scattered on her mothers dressers and stuffed them into her satchel. Maybe one of the letters would give her a person to reach. She then left the house with 3 apples and a notion. That she kept to herself.

Rosalind's P.O.V

As I reached the front door with haste I noticed my father laying on the couch his hands held a bottle of rum and the blood which belonged to my mother stained his hands so gravely. How could I call that man my father?
He disgusted me on an entirely new level.

Luckily I looked like my mother so I wouldn't be constantly reminded of the devil of the man who killed my mother. He had black hair with brown eyes that absolutely held nothing but, his self confidence that would over power him all the time.
I had brown hair, long. Very long. Up to my waist.
I knew I had to get it cut...mamma was about to take me this week but, that would not happen. I also carried green eyes that were supposedly given to me by my grandmother on my mothers side. My mom would constantly brag about it to others.
"La mia belle occhi!"
(My beautiful eyes!) she would always claim them as hers but, I didn't mind. I loved my mother.

Reaching the door knob I twisted it looking back once but, never again.
I closed it gently making sure not a single noise could be made I was terrified what if he-
No that wouldn't happen. I quickly ran to my horse in which, I called Flavia.
She was a obedient horse and absolutely beautiful with a platinum blonde mane and tail and white skin with speckles of gray which made her more of a horse of show than of riding with much speed.

I hoisted myself up the horse who seemed to understand the entire situation. Getting up was the most difficult the rest would be easy. Boston would be far but a rewarding journey.
"Andiamo!" I said to Flavia as we both sped off into the deep forests, never had I realized the beauty of the forest. I watched as the sun peeked through the the trees that never ceased to stop.
Pine,oak, maple.

It reminded me of a fond memory I shared with mother. One day we went out. It was my 7th birthday and she decided to have picnic. Just me and her. Father would not come because of what I told mother the day before.
"Please don't bring papà..."
It was simple to say enough but, I couldn't help but, say it. Mother understood clearly enough
We sat there enjoying each other's company, she was teaching me Italian at the time. She spoke it fluently and I was still in the process of learning.
"Che cosa è una mela?" Mother asked in her sweet motherly tone I had seen since the day I was born.
"!" I shouted with enthusiasm as I smiled with quite the happiness obviously seen in my eyes. I was proud of myself. Mother nodded in approval. Those days were simple weren't they.

My horse came to halt. She was tired and I realized this now. I got off and led her by the river we were a quarter of the way there. She laid down and I used her body as a pillow it was quite comfortable. She nudged me and I looked at the apples in my bag and took one out for.
She ate it in two bites...

Then and there I realized.

3 apples wouldn't be enough.

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