Chapter 3

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A New Light

( Rosa's P.O.V )
Upon waking up that morning I saw a pair of eyes look back down at me I jumped and clashed heads with the unknown figure. I grasped my head and turned to see a woman who seemed to be in her early thirties even possibly older...
I would let that slide for the moment.
She looked at me her eyes holding my gaze or so I thought, she was actually looking at the pin I had put on my clothing earlier.
Why was she so interested?...
I was the first to speak.
"What are you doing here?" I sounded confident, good. I didn't want her to know I was scared. I wanted to leave and bolt out of the area but, it wasn't time,
She looked back at me and smiled. Why?

"That pin of yours. Do you know what it is?" She asked me with a now devilish smirk upon her face. Wha-
Forget it I was better off staying silent, don't please her by responding so easily.

Minutes of silence came, she stood there still awaiting a response. I began to grow hungry. At the corner of my eye I saw Flavia, eating all the apples I had left. I frowned. Cazzo! (Fuck!)

I realized as this small journey of mine went on the more I began to curse I thank my father for that and his wide variety of word choice.

I snapped back to reality where the woman had been awaiting a response. A hour had passed already by now or so it felt.
I took in a deep breath and exhaled before speaking.
"No I do no-"
"Stubborn aren't you."
"You chose not to speak for at least a hour child, impressive to say the least."
I stood there. Shocked. No.
She acted as if she knew me and that we were close friends. She spoke again.
"My name is Elizabeth, call be Ellie. I would like to speak to you."
I looked at her and nodded. A strange feeling swept over me as if mother herself was telling me that it was safe.
I followed as Ellie spoke her tales.


( Third Person P.O.V )
Ellie spoke to Rosa of the insignia that was pinned to her clothing. She said it belonged to creed. A creed that brought some sort of justice. Being so young Rosa had made that assumption. And on the other side were the Templars who brought 'injustice'. As Ellie told Rosa of tales of Altair and other assassins a spark was ignited in the girl's soul. She closed her eyes for brief second imagining how it would be scaling buildings to have a great vantage point then doing a leap of faith like Altair had done a very very long time ago. The thought brought chills to her.

She snapped back into reality once Ellie spoke.
"Now where did you get that pin from?"
Rosa frowned almost instantly as she looked back at Ellie her eyes showing the kind of sadness that only those who had a keen sense could see. She spoke to a Ellie her voice quiet.
"My mother, Victoria. She passed, just a day ago."
Rosa stated, she continued walking but, quickly noticed Ellie had come to a pause. A frown quickly appeared on Ellie's face and from that moment, Rosa knew she had known her mother.
"You're mother Rosa, was an assassin. Not the ones who fought but, the one who overlooked our small brotherhood." Ellie's fist clenched up as she looked down a single tear finding its way down her cheek.
"I knew I should of stayed with her..."

Rosa was shocked, astonished anyway you could put it. Her mother apart of this creed and kept a secret. It would explain so many things that had occurred in Rosa's life.
This only poured gasoline to the small spark that had now overtook the small girl she spoke with no mind.
"Let me join the assassins!"

Ellie's head jerked upwards to meet the girls gaze, her eyes burning with more than just a new found bravery but courage and power. She truly did want to join and Ellie could see it.
"You do realize this takes years of training dear and you'll have to trust me."
Rosa nodded quickly.
"Of cour-"
"If you trust me, give me your name."
Rosa flinched, how could she forget?
It had been hours and she failed to mention her name.
Oh Rosa.
"My name is..."
She took a deep breath before she spoke.
"Rosalind Lucia of the Fiore family.
Daughter of Victoria Fiore." She was so very confident in herself, her voice showed it, and the gleam in her eyes showed it as well. A small smile crept on her lips as she looked at Ellie who was smiling as well.
"Well Rosalind, here our training begins. Remember:
nothing is true, everything is permitted."

Those words echoed through time, and continue as of now.

[ A/N: Sorry this is a shorter chapter, I promise you the next chapter will include Connor. :) Thanks for any who are reading and have a good one. ]

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