C H A P T E R 1

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6   M O N T H S   A G O 

Jamie stood at the front of the church. He looked around at everyone who was around him. His sister Erin sat in the front row next to his father, Frank. To Frank's left sat Henry, his grandfather. His sister-in-law Linda sat with her boys Jack and Sean. Throughout the chapel friends and extended family were sitting, whispering excitedly. Jamie looked to his left and looked at his older brother, Danny. Danny had the stupidest grin on his face, a grin he only put on when he was completely and utterly happy.

Suddenly music started and everyone turned to look at the back of the chapel. A woman was walking down the aisle in a beautiful white off-the-shoulder lace dress. She had her mid length blonde hair down in a braid with hair pulled out around her face and white flowers through her hair. Jamie couldn't do anything but smile the biggest smile ever. Edit Janko was walking down the aisle towards him. His partner of 5 years, and his best friend. He had made a promise to himself years ago that one day, he would marry her, and now that day was upon him.

Eddie reached the front and handed Kara, her best friend from the precinct and her maid of honor her flowers. Jamie and Eddie joined hands as the priest began to preach. He stared into her blue eyes.

"Do you, Jamison Reagan, take Edit Marie Janko to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Father Philip turned to me and asked.

Jamie could do nothing but smile. "I do." He said, looking at Eddie.

"And do you, Edit Marie Janko, take Jamison Reagan to be your lawfully wedded husband?"Father Philip looked at Eddie in turn.

"I do!"Eddie almost shouted at Father Philip in her excitement. Behind me I heard a small cough and knew Danny was doing everything he possibly could to contain himself and not laugh.

"Then I now pronounce you to be, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Father Philip said to me smiling. And that's exactly what I did. I kissed her. I heard cheers from around me, and knew that, somewhere Joe, Betty and my mother Mary were all cheering for me too.

P R E S E N T  D A Y

Jamie woke up and look over to his right. Eddie was still asleep next to him, graceful, even in her sleep. He smiled. Six months ago today, he had made the biggest commitment and married her. And he was glad. He leaned over and kissed her. He watched as her eyes fluttered open, revealing her ocean blue eyes.

"Morning lam chop." She said smiling.

I smiled down at her. "You know what today is, right?"He asked her, kissing her forehead.

"Taco tuesday?" She guessed. He looked at her in surprise. Did she really forget? 

Eddie looked at him. "I know what today is. It's six months today." She said, sitting up. "But it's also taco Tuesday." We both laughed at her last comment.

I got out of bed and walked over to the dresser. "It's always food when it comes to you. And it's not even Tuesday! But come on, we'll be late if we don't hurry."


Jamie and Eddie arrived at the 12th precinct. Jamie went over to his desk. A woman was setting out her stuff on the desk across from him. "Are you Kiera Walkins?" he asked, looking at her. She had light brown hair with golden flexes through it. She had green eyes and freckles, and looked as though she was about 5' 6".

"Yes. You must be Jamison Reagan?" She asked. He could tell from the look in her eyes that she was also assessing him in her head.

"Jamie." He corrected her as they shook hands. "You were just transferred, right?"

"Yeah, I was just in the 2-7." She replied.

"Great. We-" Jamie started. Just then his phone rang. "Reagan. Yeah. He's coming down to the precinct? Okay, I think I see him now." Jamie hung the phone and looked over to where a man with brown hair and hazel eyes was standing. "Looks like we caught a case." He said, motioning to Kiera to follow him.

Jamie walked over to the man. "Hi. I'm Detective Reagan, this is my partner Detective Walkins. You must be Charles Martin. We've been assigned to your daughter's case." Jamie said. He shook hands with the man. "Can you tell us when the last time you saw her was?" He asked.

"Um, three days ago." Martin replied.

"And you only filed for a missing persons case now?" Walkins asked in confusion. "Why didn't you file it earlier?"

"Ah well, Emily, my daughter, she usually turns up after day two. Realizes she can't survive on her own. That she's too young to get a job." Martin replied in a relaxed, slightly bored tone.

"So this isn't the first time she's run away?" Jamie asked the man. He looked at Kiera, and they exchanged a look. This man didn't seem fit to be taking care of a child.

"Run away?" He asked, then laughed. "More like stayed away . Sometimes she just goes to a friends house, for a couple of nights. Probably what she's doing now." He said.

"Do you have an addresses for any of her friends?" Jamie asked.

"No. She keeps most of her life to herself. Thought, she seems to run with a pretty good crowd at school, so this is probably nothing. Anyway, that's about all I can give you." Martin said, shook Jamie's hand and walked away, leaving Jamie and Kiera staring after him.

Jamie walked back over to his desk. "I've got her file up." Kiera announced as he sat down. She sent it over to him and he opened it. "The pictures are from her school."

"Call them," Jamie ordered, "find out when the last time they saw her was and who she hangs out with. If they don't know where she is, maybe a friend might." Kiera nodded and started dialing the school's number.

Jamie could hear Kiera on the phone in the background as he opened up the photos of her. The first one looked as though it was an official school photo. She had brilliant hazel eyes, a mix of forest greens with golden flexes and a tinge of brown in them. Her hair was swept to one side of her face. It was dark brown at the top of her head but slowly ombred down to her tips, where it was golden. She had perfectly straight teeth. He clicked the next photo. It was Emily with another girl. The girl had her arm looped through Emily's and had her head slightly turned towards her. Her skin was dark and she had brown eyes. Her golden hair was flowing in the wind. Both girls were laughing and looked as though they were walking towards the camera. It reminded him of a photo Eddie had shown him from when she was fourteen. 

"The school hasn't seen emily since Friday, but her friend Anna said that she was sick so they didn't think much of it." Walkins replied to Jamie's order, snapping him back to what was happening.

"Can we talk to her?" Jamie asked eagerly.

"Unfortunately, no. Her grandmother just died and she's gone back to South Dakota for the funeral." Kiera said.

Jamie sighed in frustration. The father knew nothing, the school knew nothing, and now the friend of Emily's was unreachable. He looked back at the photos. He wanted to get this girl home safe

A/N: I hope you liked chapter one. Please tell me what you thought of it!

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