C H A P T E R 5

721 8 2

Emily had gone to bed and Eddie was in their bedroom. Jamie was sitting in the kitchen finishing up a report. He saved it, closed his laptop and turned off the kitchen lights before heading to his room.

Eddie was sitting on the bed watching TV. Jamie changed into an old t-shirt which had belonged to Joe and his boxers. He sat down next to Eddie. "You guys didn't mention Joe to her." Eddie said, watching the show.

Jamie sighed. "Everyone was so happy to welcome her to the family I don't think anyone really wanted to be the one to be like 'by the way, you have another uncle but he died'" Jamie looked down at his hands.

Eddie grabbed one of his hands and squeezed it. "Just don't hold off for too long." She grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. "I also found out about what happened to her mother and brothers." Eddie told him quietly.

He looked over at her. She took a deep breath. "Her family lived in Boston until she was seven." Eddie started. "Apparently her father used to abuse her mother, and one day he raped her. He refused to allow her get an abortion and then Emily was born." Eddie looked down. "Her brothers always looked out for her, and her mother helped her with basic needs like feeding her, but always called her a mistake. Her mother hated her. And one day, Emily woke up to her father shouting." Eddie had tears in her eyes.

Jamie pulled her close. "What happened?" He asked gently.

"Her mother had taken her brothers and left. She left Emily behind." A tear rolled down Eddie's cheek and Jamie wiped it away. "Emily didn't know what her mother's maiden name was so she couldn't find her. About a week after she left Emily and her father moved to New York and..." Eddie choked on her words.

"And?" Jamie encouraged Eddie to continue.

"And he's been using her as a punching bag ever since." Eddie breathed. "She's only fourteen, she didn't deserve any of that."

Jamie held Eddie close. "We can't change the clock back, Eddie." He whispered to her. "But we can give her the best life we can now." Jamie reassured her. In his head, he was disgusted by what her father had done. And what her mother did too. Her father abused her and her mother had called her a mistake.


Emily woke up gasping from her nightmare. Slowly she breathed in and out, trying to figure out where she was. Once she had slowed her heart rate, she realized she was in the new apartment which she now called home. Eddie's house. She looked around the cozy room. It was still pretty plain as she hadn't had time to go get her things from her father's house. She looked over at the desk, where there was a single picture. The picture had two boys and a girl laughing. She was seven in the picture, and her twin brothers Andrew and Tony, who were thirteen in the picture, were holding her. Behind them was a beach and the ocean. They were all laughing.

Emily threw off the covers and got up. She put her hair up into a messy bun before opening her door and walking outside. She didn't have school this week because Eddie and Jamie were transferring her to a school closer to them. She looked at the clock. It was almost 9 am.

She went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass and poured some water. She noticed a note on the kitchen island. It read:

Jamie and I had to go to work. Nikki has the day off and will be there around 12. She said she was going to take you out somewhere. There's food in the fridge.        - Eddie

Emily smiled at the note. She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bunch of strawberries. She also grabbed the yogurt. She cut the strawberries up into pieces and put them into the bowl that was on the counter. Then she opened the yogurt and put it into the bowl. She looked through the cabinets until she found honey. She put some honey on top then mixed it all in. She put the rest of the strawberries and yogurt away, grabbed her phone and her water and sat down at the island.

She took a bite and looked at her notifications. Most of them were reminders she had set herself or snapchats from friends. Her most recent notifications, however, were from her one of her best friends, Hannah.

Dude. Where are you?

Hello? You know you're gonna be late right?

Pls reply

Ugh are you sick?? I swear if you're just skipping school cuz of your bruises

Oi where are you?!

Emily sighed. She hadn't told Hannah about her father being arrested or about being adopted. She grabbed her phone and quickly texted her.

Won't be in school this week. Too much to explain. Call me later.

Emily finished her breakfast and took the bowl and glass and put them in the dishwasher. She then grabbed her phone and started playing music as she went to shower.

She showered quickly and got out. She dried herself off and wrapped herself in her towel before walking back into her room. She grabbed a pair of ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. She had almost no clothes because they were all at her dad's house. She changed and went back into the bathroom to dry her hair and cover up her bruises.

When she was finished, she went out to living room. It was only 10:15, so she went over to the bookshelf Eddie and Jamie had. She picked out a book called The Star-Touched Queen and sat down on the couch to read it.

She was about half way through when the doorbell rang. She looked at the clock. 11:55. This must be Nikki. Emily thought to herself. She opened the door and Nikki was standing there.

"You ready to go?" She asked.

"Yeah, let me just grab my bag." Emily said, turning around and grabbing her bag that had her wallet and her keys to her new house. She put her phone in her pocket and locked the door.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was short, I've been super busy lately so I haven't really had time to write. 

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