C H A P T E R 8

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Emily walked into Eddie and Jamie's room. She looked around. She had never actually been in their room. Across the room to the left was a bed with a night table on either side. On one of them was a vase of flowers and an iPad. Obviously Eddie's. She obviously thought. On the other were three books, all with bookmarks in them, and a closed laptop. On the right wall there were two dressers with an assortment of Jamie's and Eddie's things, and a door to their bathroom. There was also a desk.

Eddie walked out of the bathroom. "I have something I wanted to give you." Eddie walked over to her night table and opened the top drawer, pulling out a small black box. She held the box delicately and sat on the bed. Emily went to sit next to her. She passed it to Emily.

"I'm not sure how many generation have been given this." Eddie said, watching as Emily opened it.

"It's beautiful." Emily breathed, looking in the box. Inside was a silver chain necklace. The pendant on it was small, but beautiful nonetheless. It was a circle with a tree in the middle. Small chips of diamonds were placed in with the leaves.

"I got it from my mother and she got it from hers, and it goes back, but I'm not sure how far. It's from Serbia." Eddie looked at it. "I never wore it because I was afraid I would break it, and I was also afraid I wasn't good enough to have it." Eddie looked down before looking at Emily. "I want you to have it."


Emily got out of the car at the Church. She had on a black dress with a white collar, and black ankle boots. She had a crocheted jacket pulled around her with Eddie's necklace around her neck. She had debated about putting on a scarf, but had decided against it. As the chilly autumn wind whipped at her neck, she regretted not grabbing it.

Jamie walked over to where Danny was standing with Linda and his kids. Eddie put her hand on Emily arm. Emily hadn't been to church before, so this was her first time. She looked over at Eddie.

"I know it may seem intimidating, but it'll be fine once you get used to it." Eddie told her.

"But I'm not religious and don't think I ever will be." Emily said, butterflies worming their way into her stomach.

"You don't have to be. I'm not." Eddie told her.

"Why do you come then?" Emily asked confused.

"Because I support Jamie when I do. And it helps me get closer to the family. I'll say grace and pray with them, but I'm not praying to their god. But, don't tell them that you're faking it, I doubt it'll go down well." Eddie said jokingly, with a wink.

Emily nodded and looked over to see that Nikki and Erin had joined Danny. Grandpa and Pop were walking over. It was still strange to think of someone as 'grandpa', but Emily liked it.

As she started walking over Eddie stopped her again. "Oh, one more thing." She said, looking Emily in the eye. "Fair warning. Whenever a child is adopted by one of the families that go to mass, the Priest says something about welcoming them. So you may be the center of attention."

Emily nodded and walked over with Eddie. As they exchanged their 'hellos' and 'how are yous' they all walked into Church. Some of the pews had already been filled, while others remained empty. Here and there there would be a 'Hey Danny' or 'Good morning Jamie' or 'How are you doing Frank'. With a stop or two to exchange greetings and news, the Reagans finally made it to the front pew, a pew reserved for them. As they sat down the Priest called everyone to order.

Emily listened as the Priest talked about this and that. This went on for about an hour. I looked to my left to see that Sean was playing tic tac toe with Jack on his arm. Next to them, Danny was nodding off. To her right, she saw Pop, his eyes glazed over, and knew that he was staring off into space, listening, but not hearing. 

"And last today, I would like to welcome someone new. A new Reagan has joined us. Jameson and Edit Reagan have adopted Emily Reagan. We welcome you with open arms. But on this joyous occasion let us not forget that there are other children, old and young, big and small, who are also in need. Let us remember this until next week. Mass has ended, go in peace."

I stood up with everyone else. We walked out of church and started talking about plans. Linda yelled at Danny for not getting some sauce that is needed for Sunday Dinner and he cowered and offered to go back to get.

"Darn right you'll go back to get it, you were suppose to bring it on Friday!" She said. Everyone laughed.

Since Danny was taking their car back and Linda, Sean and Jack didn't want to go home, they split into separate cars. Jack got into the car with Eddie, Jamie and Emily, while Linda and Sean went with Nikki and Erin. Jamie and Eddie sat up, front while Jack and Emily sat in the back. Emily looked out the window and Jack did the same. Every once and a while Jamie or Eddie would point something out, but for the most part the car ride was silent.

When they finally got to Grandpa's and Pop's, Emily opened the door, quick to get out. While she and Jack were friends, she was still very self conscious and didn't like being super close in the car ride. She followed Jamie and Eddie into the house, with Jack behind her. They walked in and Emily closed the door.


Emily sat in her seat at the table. She took some mashed potatoes from the bowl. As she was about to put them on her plate, Nikki elbowed her and passed her another bowl. "Don't eat those ones." She murmured in a low voice. "They were made for Pop so they don't have the good stuff in them." She laughed and I started to laugh too, passing on the other bowl of mashed potatoes to her.

"What's so funny?" Pop asked. Nikki and Emily looked at each other before looking back.

"Nothing!" They giggled together.

Everyone around the table looked at each other. Then Jack started laugh, then Sean, and suddenly everyone was laughing. And no one could stop.

A/N:  I'm not religious, so I apologize if this is not what Church is like. I hope that it did not offend anyone.

Anyway, I hope everyone liked Becoming Blue! I may do another story in the 'Emily Universe' but I'm not sure yet. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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