Dean texts you

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Dean's typing...

Dean: y/n, can we please talk?

-Read 16 minutes ago

You: Hm... let me think. Would you like to talk on the phone, perhaps?

Dean's typing...

Dean: no um look I'm sorry for carrying on about it. It shouldn't have been such a big deal.

You: I accept your apology.

You: I would just like to know what difference would it make?

You: If Sam and I were together... would you view me differently?

Dean's typing...

Dean: No, I wouldn't. You would still mean so much to me and I wouldn't take all that away just because of jealousy.

You: wait... what is there to be jealous about?

Dean's typing...

Dean: nothing. Let's just forget that I mentioned it.

You: no way

Dean's typing...


You: you were jealous of Sam because you thought we were DATING aha

-Read 11 minutes ago

You: Dean

-Read 9 minutes ago

You: come on pfft you can't be mad that I figured out

Dean's typing...

Dean: I'm not mad!

You: oh um you sure seem like it

-Read 3 minutes ago

You: so uh does this mean that THE Dean Winchester has a crush on me?

Dean's typing...

Dean: eh

You: you just don't want to admit it!

You: awe Dean bean has a thing for me 😂 I find that so cute!

Dean's typing...

Dean: please don't make this more awkward than it already is...

You: oh I won't. I promise.

Dean's typing...

Dean: and please promise me that you won't tell Sam about any of this

You: I promise to keep my mouth shut at all costs ;)

Dean's typing...

Dean: good

Dean: Damn it. I wish I didn't expose myself through text like that. Now everything between us is going to be so odd.

You: not unless you make it odd, hon!

-Read 6 minutes ago

You: Did you really think I liked Sam that way?

Dean's typing...

Dean: I really thought he was your type, yes.

You: huh interesting

You: what exactly is my type, Dean?

Dean's typing...

Dean: I don't know. I just didn't think it was me.

You: Dean, I'm calling you.

-Read 3 minutes ago

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