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"I had a job offered to me as soon as I finished college. Which I accepted. I was on the campaign trail following senator Obama. I saw parts of the country through the window of a bus. The days were long and the work was hard but I loved every minute of it. I was a year into the campaign when I got a job offer. It was a multimedia company wanting a correspondent to be based out of Australia. I would work on all their platforms papers, online and even on a couple of occasions I had to be an Anchor woman as well. It was actually a pretty sweet job. I'd been there for about six months and my mom and grandma came for a visit. We had a great time. They hired a private jet to take them home and I took them to the airstrip. That day it changed our lives forever. I was the only one there that wasn't staff, the commotion and sirens were all around me. I could see what was going to happen so I slid down the wall I was standing by and buried my face and covered my ears."
Rory went silent for a second. Finn squeezed her hands as both shed silent tears.
"I was there about an hour. Someone came to talk to me and I managed to find out whose jet had crashed and who was on board. I was sick when I heard the name. They found me a car with driver and the Morgan HQ address and I left immediately."

"Press were everywhere. I removed my accreditations and walked into the building. Finn has a pre-approved visitor list held at security. I was surprised that my name was on it to be honest. But it was and they showed me up to his floor. His receptionist led me to his office. I let myself in and as I took him in my heart broke. I never again want to see a person look that way."

"I went into super organized mode and got Finn out of there. I took him to my apartment the only place at this point not being hounded by press. Kind of ironic that to get him away from the media, he was hidden with a member of the press."

Finn smiled at her. "You have no idea the help and issues she solved in the first few days. All calls were being fielded through Rory's phone. She handled the press release and even spoke at the press conference. It was supposed to be me but I really couldn't do it. This woman amazed me. And still does every day. She organized for a temporary go too person in my absence. All decisions had to be cleared by me but I was making them remotely and avoided contact with the company, using Rory as the go between. She even made decisions for me. I remember her being on the phone and yelling at someone on the other end. It was the first time I had laughed in weeks. But hearing the usually calm and collected Rory yelling into the phone comparing a whole department to Sesame Street, Well that just did it."

"Rory made sure that the memorial service was organized. She did everything and I mean everything. Even made sure I was dressed properly. She stood next to me the entire time and I held onto her hand for dear life."

"After the memorial I had a travel assignment given to me. A week at a new resort on one of the islands. I took Finn with me. I thought the change of scenery and escape would be good for him. I was right. We explored the resort and he surfed every day as I sat and wrote. He came back still with a broken and heavy heart but with enough energy to try and be back at work again. It had been a month. There is no right amount of time to have off. Sunday night for the first time Finn managed to go back to his apartment. I was with him. He couldn't face the place it held too many memories. His parents had lived in the apartment above his. We grabbed some bags and packed up some things and returned to my place. Monday morning I was there to help him with his first day back. It was hard. I'd managed to get most of the work split between department heads and members of the board stepped in when they struggled. It was at this point I realized that maybe journalism wasn't my true calling."

Logan gasped and looked at her with disbelief and an air of awe.

"Rory was there for the entire week. We split the work load to ease me into the position. It didn't register until the following week that this was now my company and I was in fact the CEO. I had a meltdown. Once again Rory was there. She told me that the foundation of the business was set by my parents, like building a house. It was now up to me to raise it out of the ground.
I asked Rory to help me and after the second week and with the backing of the board members she was offered and accepted the position of vice CEO. We had work life sorted and I felt for the first time that maybe this wasn't as daunting of a task as I had first thought."

"My apartment wasn't big enough for the two of us. Space was the biggest issue. So we looked and moved to a penthouse apartment that has views over Sydney harbor. We still live there most of the time. We packed up and moved. We still own the three apartments. Their used as get a ways for those that are dealing with loss and grief. It was an idea that we came up with to help give back to the people that are in the same situation as Finn was. We offer free accommodation to anyone that wishes to use it and for some that are desperate we offer a councilor to be there with them paid for by us."

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