The Temples

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One peaceful Sunday in a beautiful region of Puupür...

Kidneypoop: Yo thugs, heard that we gon' hit 'em temples?

Dadi: Yehh? Let's wake up at 4 AM in the mornin' fou naw reason.

Momi: Sua. Also, let's bring 'em free notebooks dat our boi received for studin' hard as ur penisland weh.

And so, they packed their stuff, slept through the night nice and swiftly.

Or did they?

That night... in Kidneypoop's thoughts.

10:30 PM
Kidneypoop: Damn. Hope we get to hit 'em Buddhist females at dose temples yall.

11:00 PM
Kidneypoop: Hmm... so this method will require protection... yet will likely lead to pregnancy. However, I disagree.

12:00 AM
Kidneypoop: *checks Instagram stories* Holi shiet she haddat telescope to master the bait of insta. Man I want one... whata rich kid.

12:10 AM
Kidneypoop: The fug? Why'r those so fukin' cheap? I thought itta cost a fortune!

12:20 AM
Kidneypoop: Ay reada! Is x120 zoom good 'nough faw a scope?

He then fell asleep.

'fuk du. fuk du' -the alarm went off as it was four in the morning

Kidneypoop: Wahahaha??!?!

Dadi: Kid tehfuk was dat?

And so, they did their morning routines, like any person would.


Kidneypoop: Whata??

Dadi: Oh naw fear child it's only mah boy *insert vietnamese name here* (Ivnh)

Ivnh: Hey children. 😏

Invh's son: Yoo child. I'mma peetenda be cuul and shiet by wearin' Waterthose kicks end 'em tiger shirt yall. btw my name is Notinvh.

Notinvh's mom: HeY cHiLdReN. 😏

Dadi: Saow... We shud jeckon' our boiz and grills (typo intended) tah see whatzup.

Dadi's phone conversation with his grill (a relative, this is not incest in any way.)

5:30 AM
Dadi: Yo whatsup? Has da buz gotta yos house yet?

???: ...

Dadi: Tehfuk? Dey said dey arriv at chur' like at faw. Dis iz why yaw shuddah budget rn.

???: ...

Dadi: kkk. Also, sapnu puas. ❤

???: ❤

Kidneypoop: What does sepnu pnes mean?

Notinvh: wHaT dOeS sEpNu PnEs MeAn???

Dadi: It's for anotha dey boiz. Dareal OG queston iz...

Invh: WATER THOSE?!?! *grabs water bottle and waters on fish pool (yes my house has that, cuzYnawt?)*

Fish: Blub blub.

It's now 6 AM.

Dadi: Yoo boiz lets head tuhda buz. Yo Kidneypoop ya keep da key so dat when all haz walked outta our houz ya feel loneleh and lockett afap.

Invh's wife walked out the last.

Kidneypoop: Yaww wait!

Invh' wife: Tehfuk?

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