Chapter 18. The Story Of My Life -One Direction

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Dan's p.o.v

Lucy opened the door and let us in. It felt good to be home but it was for all the wrong reasons. I still don't know what Ari has to do with Isaac. He's just a prisoner that's escaped and will be caught within the next few hours. 

I lead Ari into my old bedroom and sat down on the bed. I looked at her, worry clear in her eyes.

"Ari, please tell me whats wrong" She looked at me, her breathing increasing and tears started to flow. I sat besides her and pulled her into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and we stayed like that for a while. She lifted her head from my head and rubbed her eyes. 

"I'm sorry I just thought he wouldn't come back" She said looking down.

"Don't apologize, it's okay to cry."I said. She looked up with a sad smile. "You don't have to tell me" I said feeling like i'm pressuring her. 

"It's okay, you should probably know." She said looking back down. "When I was around six, my mum left me in the woods where we used to live. No ones seen her since then, she just disappeared. I got adopted by a really nice family. They took me in and their daughter, Grace, helped me find friends. There were seven of us and we used to meet up after school."

"The oldest of the group was called Alice. After a few months, she started to not come to meetings or would have to leave early. She started dressing in short skirts and wearing make-up and acting strange. Her body was found in a ditch by a dog walker." She said. I was shocked. I didn't know what to say so I hugged her again.

"There's more" She whispered in my ear. I shivered at the thought and pulled away in order for her to continue.  "The second eldest was called Eleanor. The same happened to her but she was found in the boot of an abandoned car. It happened again with Heather and Maisie but they were found in a warehouse and in the canal."

"The last to go were the twins, Ellie and Eva. They did the same but one week they told me to go to the field near the river and to bring Grace. I did and we found them there but they'd shot each other"

So all of her friends are dead and her mum abandoned her. I really didn't know what to say this time. Again I just hugged her. There was nothing else I could do. I looked down to see her asleep in my arms.

I gently laid her on the bed and removed her shoes. I got changed into a clean t-shirt and crawled in bed beside her, pulling the covers over us and resuming the hug. 


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