Chapter 7: Wish upon

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After an hour call with Marcus, I sat on my bed with my journal in my hand and a pencil. It always calms me every time I have it with me...

"Dear, Future self...

So, a lot has happened in the past month or so. I haven't been getting much sleep, because of... Well, this guy. I met him over a letter basically. I know it sounds silly, but its true. My friend Amber didn't really believe me, but didnt care, shes not even a real friend... But anyways, his name is Marcus and he lives in Norway! He's really funny, sweet, and nice in that order. We've talked on the phone before, and he is really cute... I just love everything about him. I just wish that we met and that I can call him mine... But why even try? I'm just an average girl, with an average who lives with her 2 best friends... He'll probably never like me. But anyways, from me to you,


Suddenly, I heard my friend Sam come in the room. I quickly put my journal away in my bag. They never knew about my journal at all, ive kept it a secret for a while now...

Sam: Hey! Whatcha doing?

Mona: Just thinking, I guess...

Sam: Well, talk to me girl!

Mona: Sam?

Sam: Yes?

Mona: Do you think I'm a bad friend?

Sam: Of course not! Why do you say that?

Mona: Because, ever since we moved in with each other and that you guys had to move out of your parents house, I felt bad... I didn't want to be a burden to you guys..

Sam: Don't say that Mona! We only did this, because we care about you! We would do this any day! And its only for you...

I started to sob.

Sam: Now, don't cry okay? I'm right here...

Mona: Thank you Sam...

Sam: Anytime...

Suddenly, Krisi comes into the room.

Krisi: Oh my god! Mona, whats wrong?

Mona: Ill explain later, okay?

Krisi: Okay...

They both gave me the biggest hugs ever! Which made me a thousand times better!

Krisi: Come on, lets go eat!

M/S: Okay!

As they both walked down the stairs, I hesitated to grab my phone, but I just left it there... FaceTime can wait...


I stare at my phone just waiting for a text to appear on my screen, but nothing cam up...

Martinus: What are you doing in here again? Youre always in your room and you never come out. Mom is starting to think your getting too hooked into this girl...

Marcus: What makes you guys say that?

Martinus: Well, your always in your room like 24/7, you are constantly texting or calling her every 5 minutes, AND your always looking on your phone and not spending time with your family!

Marcus: Ugh, I'm sorry okay? Its just...

Martinus: WHAT? Are you in "love" with her??

Marcus: I-I... think so

Martinus: Ugh, I'm done...

I watched as Marcus walked down the stairs. I did feel bad... I do love my family, but Mona. I care about her too. I hope she's okay...

Dear, Marcus [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now