(BTS) Jimin Morning Sickness

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You were woken up by the rays of sun shining to your face. You opened your eyes and saw your husband looking at your face endearingly. Neither you or Jimin wanted to break the comfortable silence.

Your hand went to your belly. It was fascinating how a life was growing inside your body everyday. You wondered who the baby would look like. If the baby looks like Jimin, it would definitely be the most beautiful human being on earth. You smiled to yourself at the thought.

Jimin's arms sneaked around your waist, wanting to hold your closer and cuddle for the rest of the Saturday morning. A wave of nausea suddenly engulfed you and you knew what would be happening. You pushed Jimin's arm away and rushed to the bathroom with Jimin quickly following you.

You started to vomit into the toilet bowl. Jimin went over and held your hair away from your face. He gently patted your back, trying to ease your gagging. He prepared tissues and wiped the corners of your mouth time to time.

It was heartbreaking for Jimin to see you puke every morning but he couldn't do anything to stop it. You stopped vomiting and sat on the floor with teary eyes. Jimin flushed the toilet and pulled toilet lid down. He helped you up to sit on the toilet.

After making sure you were not going to puke again. He went to the sink and took your toothbrush, squeezing toothpaste on it for you. He also prepared water for you to gargle. That was all he could do.

He went to the kitchen to pour you a cup of warm water. You went out the bathroom as you finished brushing your teeth. He handed you the glass and you drank the warm water. It did make you feel better.

"I wish I could be the one who got pregnant. You don't have to go through all the pain." Jimin said. He didn't like to see you in pain, it made him feel bad. Watching you in pain was heartbreaking for him, it was like he couldn't protect you.

You looked at him weirdly. "Well, you have to grow a vagina first."

He laughed at your response. "Do you feel better now?"

"Yes. A whole lot more better." You sipped on the cup of warm water.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked you. He was ready to make you a full breakfast.

You raised an eyebrow at him. "You're cooking?"

"Yes. Why? Is there a problem?"

"I'm afraid I would need to puke again."

You remembered the last time he cooked, you ate a whole plate of raw bacon and you ended up in the hospital. Or that one time, the fire alarm went off because he nearly burnt the whole kitchen. You swear to God you would not let such dangerous men in the kitchen again.

"But baby..." He pouted.

You smiled at his cuteness but you were stern on not letting him cook.

"Let's get ready and we could go to Jim's."

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