(Monsta X) Wonho Missing Him

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Hoseok had been overseas for a week for concerts and you missed him like crazy. All you could do was talking to him through the phone which was what you were doing right now.

The phone call started with normal conversations, normal greetings and telling him your day. It was until he talked about him, you got emotional. It was overwhelming for you to hear his honey voice through the phone.

You could listen to him but you couldn't hold him. Just the thought of it made you sad. Tears started to fall unwillingly. Hoseok kept on updating you his day and you were on the other side of the phone listening to him attentively.

Hoseok finished his little ramble and was waiting for your response. He waited for a bit until he realized there was no sound coming from the other side.

"Hello? ______, are you there?" He asked.

"Yes." You muttered out with a strained voice.

He was waiting for you to say more but heard you sniffing through the phone.

"Are you crying?" He asked carefully.


He knew you were lying. And he felt bad for not being able to hold you close and comfort you.

"Honey, I'll be back soon."


"I miss you."


"Do you feel better now?"

You didn't answer because you were not. Everything didn't feel right without him here.

Hoseok thought of a plan to see your beautiful face and to calm you down.

"Baby, let's facetime." He suggested.

"No, I'll miss even more and I would not be able to sleep later."

You knew you would be thinking about him tonight but you didn't want to go through the agony of hanging up.

"Alright. Let's talk on the phone."

The two of you had talked for 4 hours straight and for the most time of the conversation, it was silent. A comfortable silence. Hoseok just stayed with you on the phone.

The silence was too comfortable that it has lured you to sleep.

"Babe? Honey?" He called softly. Making sure you were asleep before hanging up.

He heard nothing from you and decided to grab some sleep too.

"I love you. Sweet dreams."

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