Chapter 18: "Mysterious"

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"Hahahah....Y/n sorry for doing this but Jungkook is mine"

You were out of the building and was ready for your next class as you stood in front of your locker. You opened your locker and saw a yellow note falling on the ground. You frowned and slowly picked it up. You began to read the note.

'If you read this that means I am looking at you now...'

You felt creepy and quickly looked around. Students were passing by, not even the time to glance at you or look at you. You sighed and didn't think about it. You began to read again. 'Two years ago, that conversation wasn't about you, but it made me happy that you though it was for you, so I thank you for that sign, friend and I'm sorry, again'

You exhaled and shook your head to snap out of it.

'It must be Jungkook'

Your next class is math class. You sighed and closed your locker while locking it. "Stupid people" you whispered and walked to the stairs, leading you to the fourth floor of the main building.

You arrived on the fourth floor and saw math printed on the wooden board in front of the class. You walked in and saw Jungkook sitting. You groaned and saw the only available seat next to him. You really couldn't believe it, every class you had until now. He was there.

You sighed and took your seat when you immediately looked through the window. You looked through the corner of your eyes and saw him staring at you. You clenched your fist and calmed down. You looked forward. Mr.Carter, the math teacher who just introduce himself.

You looked through your eyes corners again and saw him still staring. You furrowed your eyebrows as your thoughts drifted to the yellow note that fell on the ground in front of your locker and you. 'What did he mean by he wasn't talking about me? What did they talk about?'

Without you knowing, your eyes shifted at the window. Still deep in thoughts, you were so frustrated and curious at the same time. You suddenly felt something hit your table and turned your head to it when you saw the lid of a pen on your table.

"Y/n, focus. Do not look outside" said Mr. Carter with a stern voice. Your expression turned blank and stared at him. He clicked his tongue and turned to the board. You couldn't help it, you were so distracted that you didn't even had the time to pay attention to the lesson. While you stared at the table, you didn't know that Mr. Carter was calling you.

Jungkook glanced at you and sighed as he raised his hand up and answered the question for you. Mr. Carter sighed and nodded at his answer. Jungkook got the correct answer as Mr. Carter turned his attention to the board. He tapped your arm as you suddenly snapped back into reality and looked at him.

"What do you want?" You asked as you glared at him. "What's on your mind?" He asked with a confused face. "None of your business" you whispered as he stared at you.

After some time had passed, the bell rung as you stood up and packed all the books that Mr. Carter gave us. You swung your bag behind your back and walked passed Jungkook while heading towards the exit of the class. You were still in thoughts and suddenly bumped into someone. The hard chest hitting your face as you stepped backwards and groaned.

You snapped your eyes at the person when you saw Chanyeol in front of you. He turned around and smiled. "Oh sorry, I didn't see you Y/n" he said. You smiled and stared at him. "Yeah, sorry. I didn't see you too. Anyway, wanna go to the library?" You asked him as he gladly nodded.

You and Chanyeol walked out of the building and towards the library. While you were walking with Chanyeol, Jungkook went out of the classroom when he saw you laughing with the guy from dance class. Irritation started to rise inside his body as he glared at you and Chanyeol. You didn't notice of course, because you were busy with him.

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