The Sweet... erm Stuff

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"John, focus!" Mimi called shouting in the ear of her nephew, who was currently in his signature position of lying down with his face planted on the counter.

"What huh... when did I get here?" John said lifting his head slightly to reveal his dishevelled appearance. Mimi just sighed in annoyance and forcefully grabbed his shoulders so he'd sit up straight.

"John just please focus, don't you want to win the competition?" She said now gathering the last of the equipment, waking John up even more every second as metal cutlery clanked around as she begun her search for a spoon.

"Nah not really. 'm only doing this because there's nothing worse than hearing you go on about my laziness and ungratefulness." Mimi only stopped what she was doing to scowl in dismay. And John lifted his hands in the air, smirking, to imply he was joking.

'I'm really not'

"So then Auntie... what I'm I making today?" A big leather bound book that was tearing at the edges was placed in front of him. He put on his black rimmed specs then read it and looked up at Mimi in confusion as he never recognised this recipe.

"Its the triple tier threat. Now I want you to pay close attention even you'd struggle with this, but it's a sure winner."

John raised his eyebrow in intrigue. "Alright then Mi. Let's begin."

_A While Later_
(In the Puny Kitchen)

The three boys stood over their... masterpiece? Looking and observing whether or not it is safe for human consumption.

It looked great Paul was sure to win John's heart - well that depends on whether humans can grow organs.

"It looks er... well..."


"Dont worry guys, we can put it in the freezer and it might... well..."


"I er... guess..."

_Bad Ol' Johnny Boy_
(Or At Mimi's Munchables)

"Wow." John gaped in awe at his aunt's wonderful creation. "It looks better than a bird's-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." Mimi said glaring at John as she put on a few decorative treats on the cake. John could only smile mischievously back.

"Don't worry love, you can leave that up to your imagination." He remarked wiggling his bushy auburn brows suggestively. She slapped the back of his head in return.
"Stop being diry and start that sentence again."

"Fine it looks better than mine and your," He added as he saw the look on her face. "sparkling eyes."

"Yes I know." Mimi smiled proudly and stopped icing to stand back and take in the beauty of the cake. "I'm gonna go put my feet up." She took off her apron and laughed slightly as she saw the glimmer in John's eyes as he was about to get up and leave the shop.

"Hold your horses young man. You are going work for the next two days non stop to achieve this perfection." She gestured towards the cake and John slouched back down on the stool where he was previously had been sitting.

He grabbed a piece of cake, stuffed it into his mouth with crumbs occasionally dropping out. "I won't let you down JEBUS!" Then he saw the look on his aunt's face. "I meanj MiJmi."

_After Dinner_
(Or George's Snack)

"Alright laddies," Paul said drumming his new wooden coffee table in anticipation, which was donated by a disappointed and concerned parent . I mean every teen/young adult knows that tables, cutlery and all types of furniture are overrated as long as you have TV and WIFI. "bring out the cake and see if its..."

The Beatles Story #1: John and Paul (And...George)Where stories live. Discover now