Are you okay?

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Taehyung's point of view

I awoke to dry blood, blackened bruises and a huge headache. What a day already! I tired to sit up but my stomach really painful. I managed to get up with quite a few winces of pain caused by the bruises and the cuts obviously. I got myself to the bathroom with my clean clothes and hid the blade in the bathroom again. I managed to shower without crying in pain and dress myself with all black clothing just in case any part of my body decided to bleed spontaneously. This time, I left the house when I am told to and I managed to skim off with a smack round the head as I head out.

When I arrived at school, I was met with my bullies and they did what they always do. Demand money, beat me up and then leave me to pull myself to class without a care in the world. I reach class holding my stomach and practically fell onto my chair. I took my books out of my bag ready for class to start. I felt like I'm being stared at and guess what, I am. As soon as I lifted my head up to look to the front of the teacher, most people turned round rapidly as to stop looking. I guess that they were shocked by my entrance this morning but I really don't have a care in the world today. Class went smoothly as always. 

I could hear the whispers and comments made as I basically limped through the corridors but I can't say anything, nor will I. I was heading to the library but there is a teacher and they saw me again. "Hi Taehyung." the teacher said. "Hi sir." I replied. "I've noticed you haven't been eating a school so get in that canteen and get something. Your parents don't pay for school meals for no reason." He spoke in a stern manner. I headed to the servers and grabbed some plain cheese sandwiches.

The teacher sat and waited for me as he was determined to make sure I eat. All my teachers gossip about how much I eat and they are probably worried about me, that's probably why sir has done this to me today. I managed to eat one of the triangle sandwiches before I felt ill. I stopped moving. Oh no. I got up and ran to the toilets which indeed, grabbed everyone's attention. I sprinted down the corridor, pushing people out of the way until I arrived at the toilets. I barged into the room and noticed someone at the sink but I didn't really care much as I went into a cubicle and locked the door. I threw up. I couldn't hold the food in.

Jungkook's point of view

I just got out of my cubicle and started washing my hands. Taehyung burst in and ran to a cubicle desperately. I heard a lot of gagging and throwing up. I stood there for about 5 minutes waiting for Taehyung to come out. I'm seriously worried about him. The door opened and Taehyung. Well, he looked half asleep. He stumbled out the door, holding anything he could. He lifted his head up and collapsed. "Taehyung!" I shouted as I caught his upper body before he hit the floor. This is bad, this is really bad. "Ya! Someone help me!" I screamed while gently placing Taehyung's body to the floor. 

I can't use a healing potion, I might get caught. People might find out my secret. Weirdly, a couple of girls ran into the bathroom where they looked at me holding Taehyung's head as he is passed out. "Don't just stand there! Get the nurse." I told them. They both snapped out of it and ran out the room to get the nurse. A couple minutes later, the nurse came in and saw Taehyung looking dead like. She examined him and called an ambulance. I don't know how bad he is but I got the gist that it was somewhat life threatening. The nurse asked me to take him to the nurse's office so he was not in public.

 I was just moving him to go on my back but then I realised he is light as a feather. I decided to cradle him in my arms with his head propped onto my shoulder as I held his back and back of his leg: his arm is slung along my back, holding onto my other shoulder. I got out of the bathroom where many students were standing to find out what was going on. The two girls that got the nurse made a path so I could carry Taehyung bridle style through to the nurse's office. I noticed that I got many stares but that didn't bother me at all, I only want the best for Taehyung.

 I wish I was his friend and that I could help him but I was too caught up in my own selfishness and let Taehyung go into this state. We were halfway there when I felt Taehyung's arm release from my shoulder and dangle lifelessly across my back. I soon saw his head fall back off my shoulder. Oh crap! Luckily, I know first aid. I had to stop and check his pulse. I dropped down to one knee as the other leg is holding Taehyung's upper body up. I lifted my arm that held his legs and checked his pulse quickly. "Taehyung?" I said slapping his face gently as I felt that his heart is barely staying. "Taehyung?!" I said with impatience and raising my voice. 

I noticed his stomach. He's not breathing. I checked his pulse again. Wait! What! His pulse has stopped. "Oh for goodness sake Taehyung, you can't die here!" I nearly shouted while laying him down to do chest compressions. The girls just stood and stared in fear until one of them snapped out of it when they heard sirens. Chest compressions won't do. He needs air. "I really hate doing this but here goes nothing." I said before doing CPR. Students started the crowding around and commenting on what is happening as I tried to get Taehyung back to life.

It took a couple of times but I did it! Taehyung is breathing and his heart is beating again. I let out a heavy breath of happiness and smiled as I relaxed by putting my head on Taehyung's chest. I think he will be okay as his heart is happily beating again. I saw some paramedics running down the corridor towards us. I stood up to let the medics do their thing. Most of the students patted me on the back as to say 'I'm proud of you' or 'Congratulations' or something on the lines of that.

I requested that I went with Taehyung and surprisingly, they let me. I ran to the class room and grabbed both of our bags and sprinted down the corridors to get into the ambulance before they left: I was just in time. Once we got onto the road, the medic wanted to attach an heart monitor to him as I just revived him. I looked at my phone to text my mother what is going on. He lifted up Taehyung's shirt but stopped. He gasped and froze. 

I looked up from my phone and saw Taehyung. He has cuts all over his stomach but not only that, he has really bad bruising all over his chest. He also looks like a bloody skellington. I felt like crying, my insides turned and my heart broke. The medic panicked a little before I butted in. "I will do it." I told him, grabbing the heart monitor cables off him. He looked at me shocked as I know exactly where to place them.

"How'd you know how to do that?" the medic asked. "My mother is a doctor and my father owns a hospital." I replied bluntly. He looked at me shocked but now it made sense to him now. We soon arrived at the hospital and I told my mother previously that Taehyung would be coming so she made sure she was free for him as I classed him as a 'friend'. We rushed out of the ambulance and into the emergency room.

My mother is the doctor attending him. She started to take off Taehyung's shirt fully when the paramedic said that he has cuts and bruises. After Taehyung's shirt was fully off, we saw how bad he actually is. There are really bad bruises on his back and chest. We saw the old and new cuts on his arms and his stomach cuts look fresh. He is really a skellington too, it looks like he has starved himself and cut himself to near death. 

How could he do this to himself? What happened to this precious boy? Thank goodness I was with him while at school other wise, I don't think he would be here now. I waited hours and yes, I sat at his bed side. I felt this sudden temptation to cup his face and hold his hand. Honestly, I don't know what I think of him now. Yes, I feel bad for him but there is something else, something more. I just can't get my head around it. I really want to help him more than this, I know I have something to hide, something I can never reveal but I really want to as I look at him.

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