3. Challenge Accepted

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Chapter Three - Challenge Accepted

        He was dying to know what she was keeping to herself. So when she said that he could read a page from her journal, Lucas was ecstatic. She then opened her bag, her long black hair covering a portion of her face. As soon as she got hold of her journal, something fell from between its pages. A blue paper fell to the ground. Curiosity came over Lucas so he picked it up. Aria, stopped dead in her tracks as she looked at the paper slowly trying to remember what was in the paper, she couldn’t recall. After Lucas was done reading the blue paper, he declared that he did not need to read Aria’s journal. Aria was confused. It turns out that the paper holds a to-do list and it wasn’t just any kind of to-do list, it was Aria’s Happy List.

Aria’s Happy List – August 20, 2011

1.      To ride a public jeep.

2.      To taste a little of everything.

3.      Spending more time with friends.

4.      Very early morning walks.

5.      To go mountain trailing.

6.      Making my parents happy.

7.      Volunteering in a hospital.

8.      To help and make other people’s day.

9.      To scream on the top of my lungs.

10.  To dance in the rain.

11.  To let Nathan go.

“What is that?” She asked.

“It’s your happy list.” Lucas replied.

“Oh, I’m sorry you had to see that, it’s embarrassing really.” She held out her hand expecting Lucas to give it back but before she could say anything else, he said. “Let’s do it.”

She looked at him curiously. “I said, let’s do it.” He said rather slowly.

“Are you sure? It’s kind of stupid.” She tried convincing him.

“Yes.” He said surely.

            I didn’t know what to say, this is what I wanted to do a year ago and it’s like he’s giving me a free pass to my dream list. I was thankful, because I knew I would never do it myself anyway. Though I hope he wouldn’t mind the last one I wrote. I didn’t know if I’d like to talk about Nathan anytime soon. It was just a sensitive topic for me, but I knew one day I had to let those memories go, just not today.

He then folded the blue paper and put it in his pocket.

“Let’s go for a walk.” Lucas then suggested.

I just nodded and stood up. I then gave out my hand to him and he took it, that’s when I realized that he was too heavy to carry. “You’re too heavy, just so you know.” He chuckled.

            We walked in silence while enjoying the cool breeze of Christmas. I then followed what he told me I, observed. This time I saw a little girl helping her little sister walk towards their mom, I saw a young man helping an old man walk, a disabled lady mesmerizing the Christmas decorations of the park, I then glanced at the direction of Lucas, only to find out he wasn’t there anymore, he was teaching a little boy a Christmas carol. I looked back to the direction of the disabled lady only to find her weeping. My heart and soul were in sync they told me to walk to her and talk to her, but my feet was afraid to make a move. So I just stood there and watched as the old woman weeps rather depressingly.

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